Debt cliff looms for Tellurian
I love LNG and I think together with its gaseous brother CNG…
Trump to fill U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve “to the very top”
As he should do. Right now, Russia and OPEC pay for the strategic…
Jones Act waiver floated as a stimulus for U.S. oil companies
It's hard to compete with South Korea in ship-building those…
Oil Crash Is Double-Edged Sword for LNG
That's not exactly a new situation. Many projects like Mozambique…
Few U.S. shale firms can withstand prolonged oil price war
Shale developers are the tardigrades of the energy industry by…
For Energy and Climate, Don’t Forget About One of America’s Most Important Resources
Should entrepreneurs not work the market instead of zigzagging…
Innovation and ‘New Energy’
People like to forget that one of the reasons why wind and solar…
Greta preaches many of the first Earth Day’s failed predictions
I remember the Y2K bug. I was working in a software company in…
Greening Our Way to Infection
I never thought of this but it makes sense. I use linen shopping…
Polish hauler with LNG fleet travels across Europe without range anxiety
How very fitting that a company with the beautiful name HUBER…
Rhode Island Official Admits State’s Climate Lawsuit Is Meant To Wring Money Out Of Big Oil: Court Docs
Whats climate? Give us all your cash and don't ask any questions…
Coronavirus can trigger a new industrial revolution
Yes, Coronavirus is a bigger problem for the elderly than it…
With OPEC+ ready to unleash extra barrels, oil prices could fall into low $20s
What a great opportunity for the developed world to fill up on…
Prince Harry says President Donald Trump has climate ‘blood on his hands’ in call with Russian hoaxers
Says the Prince that racks up more private jet air miles in a…
Harold Hamm Seeks US Dumping Probe Into Saudi Oil Flood
If it can be proven that the Saudis are organizing to flood specifically…
World’s first hydrogen-fueled train successfully tested in Netherlands
Will we also get information like: What does the hardware cost…
Heartland Institute Creating One-Page Climate Summaries Geared Toward Policymakers and Teachers
We need much more of this. There is an awful amount of misinformation…
Don’t Panic! Russia Boosting Oil Production Good For the Country, Officials Say. Except It’s Not
Russia is flexing muscles it does not have. Russians are used…
Russia’s stronger economy lets Putin stare down OPEC
Russias stronger economy? What have I missed? Years of relatively…
46 STATEMENTS By IPCC Experts Against The IPCC
It's hard to believe how many are in the 3%. How many true Climate…
Eleven million jobs at risk from EU Green Deal, trade unions warn
Yes folks, that's the real game in town. Stary eyed dreamers…
Germany Proves How Essential Natural Gas Is – And The U.S. Must Supply
Three or four terminals for Germany - yeahh right. The author…
Growth will be a thing of the past if businesses choose ‘net zero’
Wait, wait, wait - did they talk about growth? Nt zero means…
Are America’s days as a net oil exporter numbered?
The US should not care if its net exporter or not. What it should…
A Global Natural Gas Market Is Starting to Emerge
Global Natural Gas Market - yeahh right. How many times have…
Russia has potential to produce 160 mln T of LNG a year -Novatek CEO
I have no doubt that Russia has enough gas in the ground to produce…
US LNG developers try to ride out market turmoil with China’s door shut
Hunker down? Is that all you got? Sit still and hope for good…
White House weighing aid for oil producers amid price collapse
Why not consider an import duty on foreign oil? Fuel prices in…
Uniper puts coal spending behind it as looks to greener future
Another step on the long hard road down into hell. I am waiting…
Wikipedia Deletes “List of Scientists who Disagree with the Scientific Consensus on Global Warming”
Absolute dogmas hate free speech. It hates independent thoughts…
U.S. shale producers rush to cut spending, output as oil prices tank
First - I don't believe this is going to last long. We will be…
Conservatives say Liberal government’s ‘job-killing’ policies behind Buffett exit from LNG project
I have no good thing to say about the attitude the Canadian government…
Germany Sees No Role for Natural Gas in Draft Plan for Hydrogen
Germany volunteers to become the showcase of a failed ex-industrial…
What happens to all the old wind turbines?
Bury them in the backyards to climate alarmists. They wanted…
Trump’s EPA Makes Big Changes To Rule Banning ‘Secret Science,’ Obama-Era Officials Rage
Secrecy is the death of freedom. If one allows an unaccountable…
The Perverse Panic over Plastic
This is not my fight and I am not keeping tabs on it but I find…
Climate Skeptic Freeman Dyson Dies at 96
May you rest in peace great mind and writer. Your words will…
Greta Thunberg Trashes the new EU “Green Deal” Climate Law
The EU law tries to bridge the unbridgeable. Politicians are…
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Oscillations of the baseline of solar magnetic field and solar irradiance on a millennial timescale
You retract this article or else .... There is tremendous pressure…
China’s Green Goals Overtaken by Worries Over Virus-Hit Economy
Let's keep it real: China never had any environmental ambitions…
MALDIVES To Open Four New ‘Underwater’ Airports In 2020
So, whats the comments by the alarmist crew on this? Those islands…
Latest gamble by restaurateur turned gas baron hits the skids
When Tellurian came together, it had all the hallmarks of a beast…
Tata Motors delivers India’s first LNG-powered bus
Many times I hear that LNG is a rich man's fuel. I always hold…
Windship Technology Project Sees 30% Fuel Savings From Wind Propulsion
20%, 30%, 50% - I don't care so much about the exact percentage…
Halliburton reduces well time and costs with new drilling motor
Many times we had the feeling that shale is the end of history.…
Frack Ban Would Cost Up To 7.5MM Jobs in 2022
As soon as politicians start to understand that they won't be…
Study shows rapid sea level rise along Atlantic coast of North America in 18th century
So there were rapid sea-level rises before the Industrial Revolution…
Renewable Subsidies Leading America Toward European-Style Energy Poverty
To each his own. Here in Europe we won't escape this. Especially…
Coronavirus may accelerate gas market transition in East Asia
Oh yes, buyers' power is rising in the LNG world. But sellers…
The entrepreneurs turning carbon dioxide into fuels
Want CO2 - use the exhaust from a gas-fired power plant. Very…
The Fuel Tax is Defunct, and Innovation is the Culprit
If Austrian fuel taxes were all used in order to build and maintain…
Coronavirus puts shaky condition of debt-laden shale firms in spotlight
With humans, every life matters. We need to do our utmost in…
Cryopeak makes Super B-Train LNG delivery
I may be alone with this but those beasts are absolutely gorgeous…
Nuclear Micro-reactors In Case of Apocalypse
I hear all kinds of things about those microreactors. This ranges…
Europe Facing Massive Power Deficit
The really big hammer will be hitting us in the future when all…
The Heathrow decision is an assault on democracy
Let's get this straight: do I have a problem with activist judges…
There’s No Such Thing As The Earth’s Ideal Temperature
If I look at the Earth and where life thrives the most, my ideal…
Giant Batteries Bomb: Renewable Energy Storage Systems Literally Setting The World On Fire
Have you seen one of those EV battery fires? There is a video…
$Billions Wasted: Australia’s Massive Wind & Solar Surge Fails to Cut CO2 Emissions
If we assume that CO2 kills us, then our response is wholly inadequate.…
Landi Renzo will help Egyptian companies build NGV infrastructure
Most heavy traffic in Egypt goes up and down a narrow sliver…