Climate crimes must be brought to justice
In North Korea, any action or inaction that might be construed…
Coronavirus to cut 2020 oil, gas investments by $30 bln
In one year, nobody is going to talk about COVID-19 anymore.…
Lawmakers Seek Information on Funding for Climate Change Critics
Are we starting to burn our witches? Don't laugh - today we know…
Report shows NGV popularity keeps growing among European drivers
Everyone I know who has a CNG/LNG vehicle is absolutely happy…
Norway horrified as new rates make EV charging prices higher than petrol
Surprise, surprise. You thought the freebies will last forever.…
U.S. Gas Developer Rattled as Indian Buyer Seeks Competing Deal
Rattled? What is he rattled about? Sellers still live in Lala…
Activist investor to stake $1B on changing shale operations
I think shale is where the dotcom world was in 2000. The bad…
A History Of Floods In Windsor
Memories are short. Historical knowledge is even shorter. Historical…
Russia beating US in LNG price war
USD 2 for Russian LNG? This stuff comes in with artic class LNG…
Mining Company Withdraws From $20B Oil Sands Project — Citing Trudeau’s Environmental Policies
I wonder if Canadians will lay this on Trudeau's doorstep. Is…
Using Twitter Volume as Scientific Measure of “Climate Change” Is a Very, Very, Bad Idea
This is how we get our data. We don't have to go far - take the…
LNG Export Shut-In Concerns Are Overblown
Shut-ins for low LNG prices virtually never make sense. Most…
Japan Will Remain A Key Market For U.S. Liquefied Natural Gas
Japan has been the subject of so much LNG speculation in the…
Fossil-Fuel Subsidies Must End
I give you cash no matter what your product is going to be -…
Polskie LNG inks deal for Polish terminal expansion
I must confess that when I saw the first project paper on a proposed…
LNG industry looks to EMs for growth, says Chris Palsson
Emerging Markets - sure. Those countries can use a dash of LNG…
Why I am Afraid of Global Cooling
The Climate Change steamroller has killed almost any other issue…
Blockbuster news from China about COVID-19
It's a good thing and not entirely unexpected that China will…
Saudi Aramco launches largest shale gas development outside U.S.
Seawater for fracking? Maybe some developers of shale in Australia,…
Pakistan LNG Mulls Nixing Eni, Gunvor Deals Amid Cheaper Options
It's going to cost them more than penalties. Hell, I know that…
Lock Up Deniers, Says Potty Professor
During the rule of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, any opinion that…
Woke Royal Harry Will Take Jet to Speak in Britain About Holidaymakers… Who Take Jets
Damn, you could not make that crap up if you wanted to. I mean,…
There is a saying: people will always do the right thing when…
Cost Of Net Zero Will Be ‘Astronomical,’ New Reports Warn
Many times I have been asked - why would alarmists push their…
Shocker: study finds global warming may be net beneficial for the global economy
Humanity lived through 3 warm periods during the last 2000 years.…
Shell projects bright future for LNG beyond short-term pricing challenges
Don't get me wrong - I want LNG to grow. I am convinced that…
Investors Tightening the Screws on Oil, Gas Acquisitions
It's about time that those that don't want it got out of the…
Why Is Boris Johnson Allowing Eco-Fascists to Run Riot in Britain?
Here we might even see the difference between Boris and Trump.…
These Kids Need Oil and Natural Gas: 325 Million Children Live on Less Than $2 a Day
Do those enviro-extremists even comprehend what they are doing…
Radical hydrogen-boron reactor leapfrogs current nuclear fusion tech
Who knows a bit more about this? May this be a path towards commercial…
Fracking Ban Would Cost Millions of Jobs
Millions of jobs does not even start to describe it. Fracking…
Oil too cheap to ignore sends Chinese refiners on buying spree
What if the rebound does not happen? What if it takes much, much…
Electric cars are a hazard on motorways, Government admits
Just imagine you drive your motorway at 130 km per hour and suddenly,…
Here We Go Again! Ten Years To Save Planet, Says Prince Charles
Its Groundhog day for all of us. Alarmists keep telling us for…
In the midst of an LNG export boom, why are we getting so little for our gas?
Little? Did they get little? I think Australia actually gets…
US says it has thwarted US$6 bil Russia-Germany gas pipeline
Almost 4 years ago, when Donald Trump was not yet elected POTUS,…
India set to import record LNG volumes as spot prices slump on virus impact
OK, so India will binge on the current low prices. But LNG is…
5 things to know about Bernie Sanders’s aggressive climate strategy
The US has a great system in order to try out all kinds of things…
Europe’s Anti-Science Plague Descends On Africa
Think about it - virtue signallers in rich European countries…
Saudi energy minister likens impact of coronavirus to a ‘house on fire’
Saudi Arabia is in a pickle. Current oil prices don't cover their…
Canadian Government: Anti-Pipeline Eco-Extremists Sabotaging Railway Lines
Is that the future of the developed world? If one cannot convince…
LNG delays push Pakistan towards coal
Oh, its the project delays now. I have a feeling there is another…
Europe’s bearish natural gas market searches for a bottom
We might even see LNG players that pay for the privilege to sink…
Can LNG Kill Oil?
The best thing going for LNG/CNG as a fuel - it works right now.…
The World’s Top LNG Producer Is In Trouble
Qatar produces some of the cheapest LNG on the planet and has…
Coronavirus muddles LNG market, Chinese LNG imports
Covid-19 does certainly have an effect on markets. When consumption…
U.S. LNG Projects Better Sheltered From Market Headwinds, China Concerns
The elephant in the room is - at what market price will US producers…
UK airports must shut to reach 2050 climate target
It is good when people see the changes they are about to face…
Sea Level Rise Is Accelerating (If You Ignore Pre 1970 Data!)
This one is actually so easy to debunk, I am amazed that there…
New Record Low Temperature For Greenland Set Last Month
So, its coldest day ever in Greenland. How does that chime with…
United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO2 Emissions In 2019
Tell Greta, her darling country China has been treated very unfairly.…
South Sudan buries reports on oil pollution, birth defects
When I joined an OMV subsidiary in 2005, OMV had just been pressured…
Energy Markets Need Winter, and Climate Change Is Taking It Away
My father often told me "Don't complain about the sun" - what…
Do ‘green’ buses pass the performance test?
Years ago I had a chat with a city bus operator. We have some…
India taking up the slack as China cancels oil deliveries
Oh, how we lust for a White Knight on his steed to come and save…
BP’s new CEO plans for net-zero carbon emissions by 2050
Another virtue-signaling CEO that dumps on the very thing that…
“We’re out”: Big contractor dramatically quits Australian solar sector
I don't get it. Wind and solar are the most competitive forms…
Unsettled Climate Science: 30 Years Apace
Every responsible company does this: Contemplating the IF's.…
Hawaiian residents will suffer greatly from new ‘climate saving’ carbon taxes
I like the fact that this nonsense happens in Hawai. Those islands…
CADMIUM : The Toxic Problem Of Not-So-Clean Energy
Greta, we need you. Go there and shout "How dare you" put those…