Amazing but hidden news about coronavirus

Like with Climate Change, there are those who blow this entire…

Russia is ‘fearful’ of US competition in the European gas market, official says

The current situation must be very difficult for Russian gas.…

Structurally cheaper LNG should displace coal from Japan, and broader Asia

Asia has always regarded LNG as peak power and coal as baseload…

Earth Is About To Enter A 30-Year ‘Mini Ice Age’ As A ‘Solar Minimum’ Grips The Planet

We had an inkling that this would happen for a while. But as…

Nord Stream 2 Will Double German Gas Imports From Russia

NS2 will not only bring a lot more gas to Europe. It will also…

The Fightback Begins

Everything that's no more than a cool story finds its following…

Tanzania’s LNG hopes on a knife-edge

Tanzania has only itself to blame. They had not treated this…

Natural gas hits four-year low on ‘epic’ U.S. demand failure

Demand failure? You must have been comatose for years if the…

Americans reluctant to join the EV train

The market for those that can afford a second car and want to…

Shock Discovery: Some Plants can Adapt to Climate Change

That's what life has always done. Adapted. The adaptable thrived,…

Uniper, gas lobby say Germany must help them keep lights on

The true costs of Renewables and EV's start to show in Germany…

This Delayed Megaproject Raises Questions About Arctic Energy

I confess - Novetek dealt me quite a surprise when it became…

Traders consider oil storage at sea as virus slows demand

Storage at sea. What's that for again? Ah yes, if one considers…

Glavgosexpertiza completes review of Kamchatka LNG transshipment facility

I know I sound like a broken record but how does LNG that comes…

A Majority of Americans Believe OTHER People Should Make Climate Sacrifices

Not only in the US. I talk to a lot of people here on the street.…

Rex Tillerson Questions Human Role in Curbing Climate Change

The big question is: "Wold T-Rex have said what he said if he…

Report Projects ICE Vehicle Growth

Welcome to the real world. Outside the bragging rich folks circles,…

World biggest importer Japan to invest in LNG terminals across Asia

Helping others with establishing their own LNG import projects…

Why are we building gas-powered ships?

Why using LNG as a fuel in shipping? It has one quality that…

Wind Turbine Blades Can’t Be Recycled, So They’re Piling Up in Landfills

And those are just the blades from the earliest gust of wind…

China LNG Force Majeure Rejected as Virus Chaos Sparks Dispute

Let's get something straight: its called "Take OR Pay" not Take…

Virus has U.S. exporters facing risk of production cuts

The Coronavirus makes another thing plainly clear. You cannot…

UAE finds 80 tcf gas field, the world’s biggest since 2005

There is still an awful lot of gas down there. I was once told…

Shell: Customers will drive the energy transition

What the heck does the expression "consumer choice" even mean…

Power play in West Africa

A power grid, pan-African? Yeah right. Most countries don't have…

EVs Remain Much More Expensive Than Petrol Cars

It is pretty revealing to see that as soon as government incentives…

Japan Races to Build New Coal-Burning Power Plants, Despite the Climate Risks

Japan has learned the lesson. Say the right things but do the…

Hybrids To Be Banned From 2035, Along With Petrol/Diesel Cars

Come on Boris - bring it on right now. Why waiting? Ban everything…

Global LNG oversupply set to continue until mid-year

It's going to continue until mid-year? And what then? Then we…

Scientist Warns Of Mini Ice Age As Sun Hibernates During Solar Minimum

Oh damn - it's getting cold. That does not fit the narrative…

Weak market fundamentals overseas not curbing US LNG export enthusiasm

Excellent, as this means even lower prices in the US and more…

U.S. crude oil and natural gas production increased in 2018, with 10% fewer wells

I have a feeling that we are just at the beginning of the shale…

EU could use carbon border tax against Brexit Britain, warns MEP

I remember when the tea party brought up the issue of a potential…

Enviros Rally Around A Podcast Designed To Out Supposed Big Oil Propagandists

Alarmists don't even conceal their agenda anymore. Every aspect…

Cold wave grips northern Saudi Arabia, meteorologists fear strongest cold snap ever

Call Al Gore. Some of the snow that has not melted as he predicted…

OFGEM Wants To Rip Out Your Central Heating & Put 10m EVs On The Road By 2030

Boris has an opportunity to show what he is really made of. Will…

$64 Million Makes It Official: Renewable Hydrogen In, Natural Gas Out (Eventually)

In German, we have a saying. When the last hype does not produce…

GM Shows Why We Need a Green New Deal

The Green New Deal will be a perfect opportunity to fund projects…

Europe’s LNG imports expected to soar to 100 mln tonnes in 2020

Oh, how funny was it in 2016 when I published a leader in "Energy…

China coronavirus force majeure option unsettles LNG market

This virus is an opportunity for China to shake a pretty unhinged…

“How dare you!” Will Happer “calls methane ‘irrelevant’ to climate”.

The Alarmists will just ignore it, just as they ignore any piece…

Marcellus LNG Project to Monetize Stranded Gas

This makes sense on the face of things. That said, I have never…

U.S. LNG producers fear more price drops as they await China buys under Phase 1 deal

China has two ways to do this. Buy a huge lot of LNG on the spot…

US Energy Independence Fuels Persian Gulf Insecurity

I was wondering when that would come around. China is the biggest…

Electric Vehicle Sales Fall Despite A Proliferation Of New Models

That must be very galling for those poor EV advocates. How dare…

DC Solar Owners Plead Guilty to Largest Ponzi Scheme in Eastern California History

A solar developer - guilty of fraud? How can that even be? Are…

Trump Rolls Back Another Obama-Era Enviro Rule As Impeachment Trial Drags On

The one thing I truly love about Trump is his efficiency in dismantling…

Oil Industry Climate Suits Have Poor Track Record

Especially in the face of this potential onslaught its hard to…

Australia may seek to impose nationwide natural gas reservation policy

We saw Egypt pull this stunt in the past. Not really the best…

AG&P expands small-scale LNG tech portfolio

A bit more than 10 years ago I crisscrossed the Gulf of Guinea…

The looming German capacity crunch

Some months ago I tried to explain the concept of load shedding…

As shale investors fade, EnCap taps $6 billion war chest to keep drilling

The shale rush attracted a lot of blind ducks. Now is the time…

OPEC sees growing supply threat from rivals beyond U.S. shale

When oil is expensive, cash comes in by the bucketload. Oil exporting…

India’s ‘blue flame revolution’ gathers pace

India has great potential for more gas and LNG and bringing more…

BP’s Dudley warns against moving too fast on climate goals

I actually like the pace at which Alarmists want to break the…

Texas Railroad Commission launches two more interactive statewide data maps

What other country does this? Who publishes data so freely? This…

Hypocrites Preaching Green

Steyer has no chance of clinching the nomination. He must like…