LNG, the “champagne” of fuels, should enjoy its beer moment

Whoever termed LNG to be the champagne of fuels cannot have done…

Oil-linked LNG deals add to India’s discomfort as gas prices plunge

There is no easy way out of this dilemma for India. There are…

China Q1 growth may dip below 5% as virus spreads

Did anyone actually believe the 6+ percent that China fed us…

Guardian to ban advertising from fossil fuel firms

In one of Aesop's fables, a fox tries to eat grapes but he cannot…

Democrat Congressional Committee Demands Google Bury “Climate Misinformation”

Every cult, every sect, every totalitarian regime, and enlightened…

LNG groups refute ICCT emissions claims

I know I commented on this topic yesterday but this just shows…

Amazon Employees for Climate Justice Demand Jeff Bezos Cancel Fossil Fuel Contracts

Jeff seems to believe he can wiggle out of this the easy way.…

Some LNG-powered ships are leaking powerful greenhouse gas

So, Greenpeace and friends tell us that its better to inhale…

The True Cost Of “Freedom Gas”

It is fascinating how those CO2 counters to their work. When…

Why Alaskans Can’t Get Alaskan Natural Gas

The one's Act should be repealed. That's true. As things are…

The Guardian Admits Climate Action Costs Jobs

Climate Action costs jobs. Climate Action costs money. Climate…

Elizabeth Warren Demands Banks Provide Their Climate Disaster Plans

I am a lawyer by training. I can keep my composure in many situations…

Increase in global emissions of HFC-23 despite near-total expected reductions

So much for trusting that China will do what it says it does…

Egypt’s plans for $5/MMBtu LNG term sales deals questionable

Considering how clunky and cumbersome public administrations…

Troublesome start for first Arctic LNG plant manufactured by Russia

Russians learn a hard lesson now that China learns with aircraft…

MSC Cruises Announces Plans for More LNG-Powered Ships, Development of Wind-Powered Vessels

I would say that from now on it will be hard to sign up new shipping…

US states continue to lead on climate

That's a good thing as this creates a diversity of actions and…

Oil leaders at Davos debate tougher CO₂ cuts as pressure mounts

They still think they can slide through that crap without getting…

LNG Sector Enters Unprecedented Territory

I can impossibly count all the many times I have been attacked…

Cryopeak develops LNG hauling trailer

I am afraid that we won't see any of those here in Europe any…

Shell plans expansion of German Bio-LNG station network

The added advantage with Bio-LNG as fuel is - if there is no…

Jordan parliament passes draft law to ban gas imports from Israel

Israel might want to look into one fact - it is not surrounded…

Davos Doom-mongers herald a new dark age for climate science

I may be wrong but I have a gut feeling that Climate Alarmism…

EU Threatens China with Carbon Pricing Import Duties

Just to get this straight: when President Trump slaps tariffs…

Greta Thunberg Takes Her Message To Davos: ‘Our Emissions Have To Stop’

Damned, I just exhaled. Greta won't be happy. Why doesn't she…

America is awash with natural gas, and it’s about to get worse

Ain't there a solution that literally jumps in your faces? Start…

Working Class and Leave Voters Favour Lower Energy Bills Over Climate Action

So people want their lives to function. Who figured? Some seem…

Another Permian Basin Peak Oil Prediction… Yawn.

There is value in not having to transport the stuff from the…

China coal imports to rebound in January, rest of 2020 is cloudy

But wait. Ain't that China, the darling of all Alarmists? The…

Wind Farms Paid £136m To Switch Off Last Year

Is that a subsidy? Of course, it is. But the fans of wind and…

Mission Impossible: China can’t meet its commitments on U.S. crude, LNG, coal

So China cannot possibly live up to the terms of the trade deal.…

Japan’s Osaka Gas looks to Europe to sell spare LNG cargoes

Another Asian utility to build siphoning off capacity for its…

Trump Takes Veiled Swipe at Environmental ‘Alarmists’

Has anyone ever seen a president of a leading country talk about…

Savannah Petroleum says Nigerian gas purchase is just the start

Africa is not for anyone. It takes guts, patience, and some really…

Report claims liquid natural gas plant not needed in Republic

Ireland is pretty isolated from the energy infrastructure of…

OPEC, IEA or EIA Completely Wrong in 2020 Oil Market Analysis

In 2016 I had a long discussion with a friend and observer of…

Cummins Westport’s B6.7N Natural Gas Engine Receives Certifications

All the good stuff for the US only. Time to get them here in…

Climate Change Destroyed Assyrian Empire… without fossil fuels!

Most people ignore the very long and colorful history and organization…

Solar and Wind Power Could Ignite a Hydrogen Energy Comeback

Sure, both solar and wind are subsidy hogs. Pull the tax- and…

California’s Solar Panel Mandate Only Worsens the Housing Crisis

Residents are fleeing California because of the appalling conditions…

Germany adds brown coal to energy exit under landmark deal

Germany will need an awful lot of Natural Gas in the future.…

The Megacities Are Cooking

I grew up in the Austrian countryside. Winters were snowy and…

New assessment of gas locked in ice in European waters

The next 10 years will be a hard test for Europe. Wind and solar…

New Gas Finds Creating Opportunity in West Africa

Nice, nice, nice again. I always liked Africa and I love seeing…

U.S.-China Phase 2 trade deal unlikely

China is in a horrible situation right now. ven if Donald Trump…

Asian LNG spot price can fall below $3/MMBtu this year

This is like pouring acid into the swimming pool. How does anyone…

U.S. LNG Booming, But Russia Stands in the Way

There is a huge difference in nature between US LNG and Russian…

Russia Releases Official Plans for the Northern Sea Route

If warming would persist that would be the most sensible thing…

New York won’t appeal its defeat in Exxon climate trial

Alarmists had a crushing defeat there. They also had a crushing…

Obama Official: “Americans Choosing Trump would Send the Signal that they Don’t Care about the Climate”

Choosing Trump would mean that people prefer someone who is abrasive,…

Trump Is Completely Remaking A Law Enviros Often Use To Stymie Oil Pipeline Construction

It takes balls to do what Trump does. But its also urgently necessary.…

Will eco-activists kill billions to save the world?

Most people are credulous. They will believe anything if it's…

Paper praising models’ predictions proves they greatly exaggerate

The world is flooded with those papers. Thousands of writings,…

Has OPEC Found Its Oil Price Sweet Spot?

having no choice but to accept what the market throws at you…

Has the Aussie Government Surrendered to Climate Activists?

Morrison got a fire on its hands, gets manhandled by the Extremists…

Oregon’s US Senators Join Call To Reject LNG-By-Rail Rules

Sometimes its really scary. Had those rules come from Obama,…

Woodside boss laments LNG ‘black eye’ amidst climate debate

Coleman wants to have it both ways. He wants to be chummy with…

Bernie wants to take on fossil fuels

It is time that someone took on certain notorious liars and performed…

Output at Europe’s giant Groningen gas field plunges in Dec, dents Dutch stocks

The Netherlands is the biggest reversal I have ever seen in the…

A Hotter Climate Will Kill Americans in Unexpected Ways, Study Finds

I liked that one: "People tend to drink more in summer leading…