SUVs Not EVs: The Electric Car Boom Hits A Snag
You can slice them, you can dice them. In the end, people will…
China’s nuclear industry and high-speed trains are world class
China is not squeamish about nuclear and spends lots of state…
Maduro further muddies Venezuelan waters
It will take a lot of money and a lot of time to bring Venezuela…
Tentative reform moves could boost Sonatrach
Algeria faces a problem similar to Egypt. Lots of young people,…
Norway’s Barents Sea ambitions fading as more projects disappoint
Upstream regions like the Barents Sea will also have to deal…
China’s top oil firm sees demand growth cut in half in 2020
What does the Chinese leadership want to tell us this way? That…
Is the US Shale Boom Really Slowing Down?
Wild growth always leads to a period where more sober minds take…
“The Bush Needs to Burn”: Climate Obsessed Greens Ignoring Indigenous Wisdom
Does anyone still remember when California burnt and Trump said…
Can Singapore really transit to a post-oil economy?
When my father was a young man traveling the globe as a sailor,…
AG&P offers solutions for LNG infrastructure
I don't know how good they are in real life but their concepts…
Russia Tried ‘Energy Dominance,’ and Markets Bit Back
What happens if the US does not make money on energy exports?…
Democracies are ill-suited to deal with climate change
How good are Autocracies to deal with emergencies? We are not…
A $1 Billion Solar Plant Was Obsolete Before It Ever Went Online
That's what happens when politicians play with the taxpayer's…
Anti-Energy Researcher Naomi Oreskes Calls For Regulations on Free Speech
I have said so many times and I will never tire doing so in the…
Shipping giants debut LNG and hydrogen vessels
Mentioning LNG and hydrogen in the same line is a bit misleading.…
Nigeria faces competition from African peers
There is one market that's still very underdeveloped - and it's…
The Role of Distributed Generation in the UK Blackout of 9 August 2019
Power grids are usually designed with some overcapacity which…
Biggest ‘black swan’ event for oil markets is disruption in the Strait of Hormuz, expert says
If the Hormuz strait closes you will see Chinese warships in…
Greens Against Solar Power
One thing you can always trust - that extremists will always…
To Fight Climate Change, One City May Ban Heating Homes With Natural Gas
That's a good thing. I hope they go the full way and also ban…
Gate LNG terminal reports record year 2019
Note to anyone who ever wanted to develop a North-Western European…
German Greens: Use Climate Emergency Declarations to Jail Deniers
Is Germany repeating its history? Jailing those with different…
API takes on Democrats’ climate plans in new TV campaign
It's about time that the industry starts to grow some testicles.…
Three New Studies Confirm Volcanism Is Melting West Antarctic Glaciers, Not Global Warming
One more piece on a puzzle that the Alarmists vigorously deny…
‘America Third’ to turn down LNG supply
Let's run the numbers for the US terminals. Their CAPEX on the…
Russia unveils plan to ‘use the advantages’ of climate change
Climate Changes. Big deal. It has done so longer than life exists.…
Asia region is most dependent on Middle East crude oil, LNG supplies
That's probably the biggest reason why I don't think there is…
The Tragedy of Germany’s Energy Experiment
In a sense I am grateful for the horrible example Germany sets…
LNG saves $5 billion substituting expensive oil imports in Pakistan
That's what many don't understand. If you are running on oil…
The LNG SPA and the energy transition
When all else fails, people will need something that works and…
Climate Alarmists Winning the War of Words, Despite Evidence that Nothing Unusual is Happening
Make a test. Go out - no matter where you live - and pick the…
Mexico to keep importing natural gas as U.S. exporters face oversupply
Mexico needs more Natural Gas like a breath of air. And the US…
British TV Personalities Savage Aussie Politician Over Climate Action, Bushfires
Has anyone looked at a map of these bushfires? They occur almost…
Harvard Economics Professor: Global Carbon Tax, Give the Money to China
Great idea. Not only that a carbon tax will weaken industries…
China’s LNG-fueled VLCC could be big win for future natural gas demand
Will shipping be a big market for LNG? You bet. Are there many…
Energy infrastructure attacks are ‘probable’: Oil traders fear supply disruptions in the Middle East
None of the Gulf states can afford a real confrontation. And…
An Inconsistent Truth
Everyone should see this. let me say this again. Every damn one…
President Trump to Drop Climate Change from Federal Infrastructure Planning
Just common sense, unproven theories should not be the foundation…
Joe Biden’s Climate Advice to Coal Miners: “learn to code”
Biden has been a member of Congress for more than 40 years. How…
Blend 20% Hydrogen in Natural Gas to Reduce Home CO2 Emissions
Hydrogen is a very aggressive gas that makes pretty much anything…
Ireland Fast-Tracks Law Effectively Banning Gas Vehicles Within A Decade. Is The US Next?
One decade? This means there will be elections in between and…
DoD study: climate change will destroy us …in 2020
I remember the hysteria at the time. It was nowhere near of what…
Chinese LNG demand growth tapers off
Any sane observer of the market would conclude that after 3 misses…
Top Iranian commander killed in U.S. airstrike on Trump orders
Before I comment - I am not taking sides here. Just trying to…
I’m a climate change hypocrite — but I’m making a New Year’s resolution to do things differently
I find it admirable when people make good choices for themselves.…
US Energy Secretary: The Shale Boom Is Far From Over
Of course, we do not expect any other statement from Brouillette.…
OPEC Aims to Prop Up Oil Prices
I am sure shale drillers break out the bubbly in celebration.…
Victoria Falls Drying Up? Sky Accused Of Fake News By Locals
Does anyone keep track of those stories? Because it will be important…
Why Boiling Methane in Arctic Seas Should Scare the Crap out of us: New Data Shows the Numbers Are Rising
During the last two warm times (Medieval and Roman) the Arctic…
Low-Income Families Shouldn’t Pay Higher Electric Bills so Utilities can Build EV Charging Stations
I am not opposed to EV's. Anyone who pays the full price for…
How today’s global warming is unlike the last 2,000 years of climate shifts
According to those folks, it's hotter now than at any time during…
CNN Climate Expert: “Shouting into the apocalypse”… because climate change
A BA in journalism & international studies is a Climate Expert…
Singapore aims to be Asia LNG hub as demand soars
Singapore is a center of trade for Asia. Singapore is smart and…
Putin’s Grand Gas Project Makes Sense Now
Putin does not want to be beholden to transit countries. I don't…
Flue gases extract methane from permafrost while reducing emissions
Exact numbers are hard to come by and if one gets them they will…
Shouting into the apocalypse: The decade in climate change
World emissions are still going steep up. It's worse than anyone…
Saudi Arabia grapples with geopolitical change
MbS cannot hope to bat the devils on his tail as they are many.…
Israel’s Leviathan gas field brings energy security, health concerns
It would be funny if it would not be so damn serious. People…
Oil and gas in the capitals
Paris is just one of a whole theme park of worthless agreements…
US Returns to Being a Net Oil Exporter
When I joined the energy industry 15 years ago, it was a safe…