Subsidizing The Epocalypse

The IMF study puts anything that has ever been taught about public…

Glacier National Park quietly removed ‘Gone by 2020’ signs in 2019—Update

The list of failed predictions on Climate is unfathomably long.…

2019: the year of peak green bullsh*t

I have been asked many times why I dislike Greta and all those…

Outgoing BP CEO: fossil fuels essential for decades

We can dream as much as we want all day long. In the end, we…

Does Mark Carney Understand How Financial Markets Work?

Even if we don't look at the flaws in financial gimmickry, we…

Even Believers Must be Compelled to Live Low Carbon Lifestyles

This is a bit like going on a diet. Believe me, I know what I…

Trump Moves the Ball on China Trade

China does not trust its own people and that's its Achilles heel.…

Russia is dominating the Arctic, but it’s not looking to fight over it

The Arctic is expensive. That's not the kind of place you want…

German think tank calls for ‘climate tariffs’ in response to US sanctions on Nord Stream 2

Europe is economically squeezed between the mighty US machine…

A Better Word of the Year for 2019: Energy Poverty

It's not only an issue for developing countries. It rapidly makes…

Feds scrapped 100 years of data on climate change

First, they say that there were not enough measuring stations…

Manufacturing Group Opposes LNG Export Applications

I understand them - they want to be sure the Natural Gas price…

Hamm Invites Warren on Tour of Shale Heartland

What for? Old Pocahontas is a dream opponent for Trump who is…

Guyana Becomes Oil Producer

I remember when Ghana was on the precipice of becoming an oil…

European LNG imports hit record levels

There will be a wave of new North West European LNG terminals…

Trump’s sanctions lead Allseas to halt Nord Stream 2 work

What's the worst thing that could happen to you when you are…

The Permian gas production problem worsens

Put some liquefiers there, load it on trucks and send them down…

Charles Moore Accuses BBC Of Climate Bias

This very thing - blatant media bias - has been going on for…

Why lithium-ion may rule batteries for a long time to come

For years, no for more than a decade we have been fed the story…

How to Fight the War on Science and Win

Aint that comical. One of the cornerstones of science is that…

Morales claims US orchestrated ‘coup’ to tap Bolivia’s lithium

Failed dictators always look for some outside conspiracy to explain…

Boris Johnson and the Green Death

Boris is in a sweet pickle. Sweet because after his historic…

Green ideology, not climate change, makes bushfires worse

Today I listened to a the Economist podcast about the Californian…

Climate Prediction Swings and Misses: A Decade of Alarmist Strike Outs, 2010-2019

Some fun for those boring end of year evenings. They are wrong,…

Norway Names Controversial Climate Change Skeptic As New Oil Minister

May we deduce that Norway cares about its oil income? Because…

Congress Says Nay to Expanding EV Tax Credits

Tax Credits for Electric Vehicles are a gift made by all taxpayers…

Can You Own a Private Jet If You Care About Climate Change?

About 500 years ago, the Christian church split right down the…


It looks like we have avoided a new solar super minimum. Reverse…

Tesla actually built the world’s biggest battery. Here’s how it works.

And we have learned - not much. What would be way more interesting…

Oil Glut Is Real And Here To Stay

The oil glut will become even much more severe. And we all still…

Australia to edge Qatar as top LNG exporter in 2019

Hail to the king. There is a new top dog in the kennel. I bet…

Putin’s Grand Gas Project Makes Sense Now

If normal market conditions would have applied to Soviet gas…

LNG opponents ask FERC to reconsider Brownsville permits

I find that funny. Those projects are at the end of a multi-year…

‘Money is starting to come back:’ Investors look to Canada as shine comes off U.S. shale oil

It's about time that shale goes into its next evolutionary cycle.…

NYK and MOL enter LNG-powered coal carriers agreement with Kyushu Electric Power

I find that very fitting. Through marine shipping and railway,…

India unveils first CNG bus covering 1,000 kilometers on a single fueling

1000km - on one single filling. That is nothing short of stunning.…

China Goes All-In On Coal While Telling The Rest Of The World To Reduce Emissions

How dare they? Greta, you can take a train ride until Bejing…

Clean Up the Critical Rare Earth Supply Chain

The right way to deal with this is border adjustment taxes. Make…

Asian spot prices steady as India seeks to soak up some of supply glut

Is this the beginning of the next big bubble for LNG? Let's get…

Renewables Obsession Leaves German Industry Crushed By Rocketing Power Prices

The shale revolution plus Trumps smashing the regulative concrete…

Climate Change Fears of Teen Activist Are Empirically Baseless

Some facts pulled straight here and it really needed some pulling…

Burning Forests Is Not A Very Good Idea, Decides Guardian (Six Years Too Late)

Burning wood for anything is stupid. We have highly concentrated…

The Limits of Clean Energy

Renewables are way more destructive than fossil fuels. Aside…

New climate pact is EU’s ‘man on the moon moment’: chief executive

Indeed, Europe will soon feel like it's alone on the moon. A…

Norway’s financial regulator says ‘green’ investing has a dark side

Norway was always more willing than most to use oil and gas derived…

Elizabeth Warren revises income disclosure from controversial coal case

My father used to tell me "If someone claims to be a paragon…

Germany ‘wrong to ditch nuclear power’

I have said so many times and I will stand by my words. Germany…

The Tiny, Simple Nuclear Reactor That Could Change Energy

That sounds great. Can the nuclear experts here tell me how realistic…

Another New Study Finds The Canadian Arctic Was About 1-2°C Warmer During Medieval Times

Plenty of biomatter is being found in places where it should…

Huge amounts of greenhouse gases lurk in the oceans, and could make warming far worse

There is plenty of evidence that in the past, during warm times…

Can The EV Revolution Survive Without Tax Credits?

Modern and developed states depend on taxes for their financial…

It’s official: we are in a “deep” solar minimum.

I understand the panic the alarmists are in. We are going towards…

Al Gore Says Democratic Candidates Should Absolutely Run On AOC’s Green New Deal

People all over the world slowly start to understand that this…

Sunrise could come for nuclear-powered submarine tanker

That is unbelievably cool. A submarine that transports LNG under…

The Grapes of Climate Wrath

Pretty much anyone who knows anything about the plant metabolism…

Copenhagen–10 Years On

All this crap-show ever does is providing cheap excuses for politicians.…

US election looms large for energy in 2020

What we see now is a pendulum swing back towards more regional,…

Permian industry groups challenge perceptions on methane emissions

OK, let me say it again. It's not nice to dump anything into…