Chinese Nationalists Turn on Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg
The phantasto-radical water-melons from the ultra-left green…
Climate Scientists Reduced to Hiding from Climate Thuggery in Germany
There is no remedy to this but giving the people what they want.…
Blackout Refugees: Businesses Plan Summer Escape From Victoria’s Renewable Energy Chaos
I am on the last day of a week-long trip to South Africa. Try…
Has a global LNG glut forced the U.S. to become the swing producer?
Mothballing a liquefaction plant is no trifle. If you ran one…
Latvian, Estonian duo to LNG retrofit two locomotives
Shunter locomotives are perfect targets for LNG. They stay in…
Carbon intensity of power sector down in 2019
And still, despite being pretty much the only developed country…
The US-China trade war may escalate to energy
For China to be energy independent they will have to find a way…
Russian gas pivots east
If Russia would be capable to transport volumes that were hitherto…
Opec down but not out
Collectives of people (that's what International Organisations…
Electric vehicle fleet would require council tax hike, warns city councillor
Come on guys, you can do this. We need a couple of municipalities…
Some LNG Sellers Could Miss Out on $15B
When you find your significant other and you tie the knot, you…
African Nations Raise Eyebrows by Recommitting to Fossil Fuels
Its something those coddled iPhone totting, dads money spending,…
Winter Is Coming. But Natural Gas Prices Are Sliding, Even With an Arctic Blast
Imagine you are a producer of - whatever. You are good at what…
Climate change could shave off 3% of the world economy, study finds
Eliminating fossil fuels from the world economy could shave off…
Biology may be key to coal-to-gas conversion
This is cool - I mean really cool. Just imagine countries like…
Is Russia Right About US Shale Energy? Geopolitics of LNG
Has anyone bothered with counting how many times shale was counted…
A U.S.-China ‘phase one’ trade deal may not be inked this year
There are more frequent reports about growing dissension inside…
Russia to continue cooperation with OPEC to keep oil market balanced
Balanced - how I like this word. A balanced market is a dead…
Nord Stream 2: Falling at the Last Fence?
Almost one year before the 2016 presidential election in the…
Canadian heavy crude weakens as rail strike halts shipments
We are always talking about autonomous cars. How about autonomous…
New Report Says Fracking Saved Americans $1.1 Trillion Over Past Decade
That's not peanuts, more than 100 billion per year. That's jobs,…
Data revolution before shale revolution
Just as so very often, China thinks they can pirate some clever…
Headwinds Loom for LNG Consumption
The situation is way more serious than many dare to suggest.…
Can the Public be Convinced that Electric Vehicle Subsidies are Worth it?
Subsidies for EVs are a wealth transfer from the poor masses…
What’s green, employs ten times as many people as the “fossil fuel industry” and fake?
The Green Industrial Complex needs tons of subsidies (direct…
Italy to become first country to make studying climate change compulsory in schools
More brainwash - governments can see that the usual methods don't…
Like most people of my age, as a kid, I had the fear of God when…
The global climate alarmism propaganda campaign has failed – fossil fuels have priority
As a kid, I learned that I was part of a privileged few. That…
It’s Officially the Tenth Anniversary of Climategate – and they’ve learned nothing
I said it before - I say it again. This should become the basis…
Daily Mail Readers Not Convinced By The Climate Emergency
Here in Austria, if you go into a public debate and just hints…
Remembering Y2K: The disaster that never happened
I remember that scare pretty well. Companies and public administration…
Labour Ditch Climate Plan As Unions Rebel
So, politicians can learn. As soon as they suspect that they…
Aramco valuation falls short of crown prince’s $2 trillion target
OK, how does that go? Either your family buys an extremely overpriced…
Mood in Beijing about trade deal is pessimistic, government source says
China is not used to this. They are used to make promises and…
China, India are both the problem and solution for coal, climate change
Chinese and Indian coal use is indeed doing more for the climate…
Climate change blamed as floods overwhelm Venice, swamping basilica and squares
My first stroll in Venice is almost 40 years back now. There…
Electric car future may depend on deep sea mining
Ain't that cute? Out of sight, out of mind seems to run deep…
A solution to keep coal going in Wyoming
Some time ago I had a discussion on Microbial Coal Conversion.…
Climate science has died. The effects will be big.
When my father was born, a new political trend in Germany was…
170 Years of Earth Surface Temperature Data Show No Evidence of Significant Warming
We know now. We always somehow knew but it starts to become overwhelming.…
German parliament approves climate protection plan
When I was a young man, Germany was the engine room of Europe.…
Western Hudson Bay freeze-up earlier than average for 1980s for the third year in a row
Water on the mill. It's getting colder, much colder and in just…
French gas networks could mix in green hydrogen in future
Looks like the French have a money-shitter in some basement.…
The True Cost of Renewables are Hidden Due to a Lack of Market Transparency
The true cost is starting to hurt. Politicians will have to make…
Arctic blast has arrived in the eastern US…numerous record low temperatures by early Wednesday
The solar minimum starts to stretch out its fangs. And that's…
CalEPA studying ways to sunset the California economy
The lower 47 (48 minus California) should do them a favor. Cut…
Does LNG Have a China Problem?
Calling it "China problem" is not doing the problem justice.…
Russia looks to Japan icebreaking tankers to unlock Arctic gas
The journey from Sabetta to the south of Kamchatka is at least…
The problem with China’s ‘clean coal’ push is that there is no such thing as ‘clean coal’
China could not get off coal even if they really wanted. They…
IEA casts doubts on scale, durability of LNG demand in developing markets
LNG will have problems competing with coal but that's not its…
Green debate encroaches on natural gas industry meeting in Paris
I have been at countless of those meetings, I have spoken at…
Exxon Blasts NY for Walking Back Claims at Trial’s End
Those pushing for such court cases should face consequences.…
It looks like a ship, floats like a ship . . . but it’s an LNG plant
Floating LNG terminals are a very enticing prospect - until you…
Climate politics are tearing the West apart
People find out that this all costs a shitload of money and that…
E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules
Should that not be common sense? You should only use data (real…
Argentina’s Shale Trove Risks Staying Buried
They are right to worry. More important than technology is business…
The Drilling Frenzy Is Over For U.S. Shale
Who do I call if I want to talk to Mr. Shale? Oh, there is no…
Winde explains why Western Cape wants to urgently import gas
Saldanha is maybe not the best location for an LNG terminal as…
Predictions are Hard, Especially About the Future
Oil will remain the big boy in the berm for decades to come.…
Extinction Rebellion Calls African Oil Leaders “Climate Criminals”
Without stable and affordable energy African countries have very…