National Grid to use trucked LNG, CNG in U.S. amid gas supply constraints
I just published an article today that cuts into this problem.…
Wes Amelie will be the world’s first vessel to run on synthetic LNG
Liquefied Synthetic Natural Gas - this is going insane. Who understands…
‘Affordable and Reliable’ Energy Makes Life Possible
10 years ago, renewable advocates were still able to tap into…
‘Climate Emergency Is Real’ Warns ‘Professor Micky Mouse’ and 11,000 Other ‘Scientists’
Alarmists will never tire of citing those things as to be taken…
No wind? No sun? This power plant solves renewable energy’s biggest problem
Now we know what we need. If only we could send power through…
Assessing LNG-By-Rail Safety
Things are moving it seems. LNG by rail will be a huge change…
Russia’s Arctic Dreams Remain on Ice
If Moscow wants the region to remain in deep freeze they should…
Georgetown: How a Texan Town’s Green Energy Dream Turned into a Nightmare
Let them have what they wanted so dearly. Let them steam in their…
Brazil’s Largest Ever Oil Auction Flops
In a time hen shale is cheaper to develop and so much faster…
Shale Oil Pioneers Say the Boom is Ending
OPEC has plenty to worry about. They have learned that getting…
Exxon, Chevron Begin Pushing Back Against Warren’s Fracking Ban
Big companies sometimes remind me of small children. When they…
Red China: Climate Change Leader (/SARC)
I like that summary - the red Ponzi is one of the major problems…
Share Prices Plummet: Market Punishes Wind Power Outfits For Over-Blown Output Forecasts
We know how it works. Project developers want their project to…
Aramco Starts IPO
Lots of sweeteners and kickers. The one question that I would…
The U.K. Should Keep Its Fracking Ban for Good
One day there will be a rebellion by normal people because they…
Giant Offshore Brazil Oil Discovery May Be Expensive for Exxon
At the same time, I read that Chevron and Exxon are being saved…
Huge Battery Investments Drop Energy-Storage Costs Faster Than Expected, Threatening Natural Gas
It's cheap, so cheap. Its the cheapest ever. Actually, those…
Academics demand career breaks so they can save the planet from climate change
Give us money. MOOONNNEEEY - we want cash and we want you to…
Falling Walruses: Attenborough Tacitly Admits Netflix Deception
They lie, and lie, and lie, and lie some more, and then they…
Any Suggestions? Greta Thunberg Pleads for Help and a Carbon-Free Lift Across the Atlantic
Wasn't she declared to be the new incarnation of Christ by some…
Ancient Air Challenges Prominent Explanation For A Shift In Glacial Cycles
In a normal world, most of us would look at this and conclude…
Time: China is Bankrolling Renewable Projects Around the World because they are Climate Leaders
China does not give the scraps of cut off toenails from a homeless…
Climate-change confessions of an energy reporter
Let's get the message from the author straight. He confesses…
China’s 2019 coal imports set to rise more than 10%: analysts
There was an article on Trumps leaving the Paris agreement todays…
Cuomo’s Fake Claims About Extreme Rainfall
Cuomo is governor since 2011. He has been elected and re-elected…
US woos Asia with plan to rival China’s ‘Belt and Road’
The US does not need to actively confront Belt & Road. The…
EU’s new list of energy projects includes 32 gas facilities
55 billion in subsidies for fossil fuels in the EU. And if you…
Xi Jinping Vows Commitment to Global Trading Order as U.S. Deal Nears
Xi cannot change China's stance even if he wanted to - which…
Labor reaffirms position as Coalition shadow on fossil fuels
Was I too quick to give Morrisons government the thumbs down…
Voter Fury At The Staggering & Mounting Cost of Australia’s Wind & Solar Subsidies
Morrison plays the "to hell with the voters" game and he will…
Germany’s Giant Windmills Are Wildly Unpopular
Germany will switch its nukes back on and they will build new…
Trump looks to open up railroads for LNG shipments
This is going to be a sea change in NG transport. The volumes…
Climategate: Nearly ten years later
One day this will be looked at as the moment when the world should…
4 Out of 5 EU Coal Plants Are Losing Money
"Coal can not compete because of ever-cheaper renewables" - that's…
Big Oil Investors Bracing for Bad News
The invisible elephant in the room is the fact that the world…
China’s capital outflows widen, but US trade war currency deal could ease pressures
It is mostly those well-connected and the elites that bring their…
Years of Offshore Investments Could be Valueless
With current oil prices - shale is in pain and many drillers…
New York Doesn’t Need a Smoking Gun to Win the Exxon Climate Trial
Witch trials are all the rage now in green crazed America. If…
‘This is a tragedy for Canada’: Fear and dismay as Encana chooses U.S. as its new home
Whatever the background, oil and gas-friendly Trump will have…
Hope for Global Solar Boom Turning to Bust as China Underwhelms
Help me here. We are bombarded by news that wind and solar are…
Morano testifies at wild Pennsylvania Climate Hearing – Compared to Racist, a Holocaust denier, tin foil hats & heckled – Dem legislator walks out
It has become a witch hunt. Well, Salem is just a couple of hundred…
The U.S. Dithered Too Long on Nord Stream 2
If someone wants to be foolish, there is nothing you can do.…
Chile cancels climate and Apec summits amid mass protests
Chile learns a lesson now. There is a limit to what people are…
Norwegian oil crews stigmatized in the “climate change” era
Norwegians will learn the lesson. That their green dreams are…
A contentious Russian-led gas pipeline in Europe will soon exist — Here’s why it matters
Why not see it another way. More Russian gas in Europe means…
China gas demand to surge through 2035, coal to still offer stiff rivalry
China will not get out of this trade war unscathed. And their…
BP eyes Brazil gas buildout, may swap LNG imports for domestic output
Vaca Muerte in Argentina, Offshore gas in Brazil. Are we witnessing…
U.S. gas market struggles with persistent oversupply
It is incredible how long it takes to change minds. Natural Gas…
Renewable Energy’s Inconvenient Truth
It still kicks me. After all this time there are still people…
The Ocean Cleanup ‘Interceptor’ Aims to Extract up to 50,000 kg of Plastic Waste Per Day from Rivers Around the World
More than 90% of all plastic trash comes from a handful of rivers…
Russia Seeking to Delay IMO2020 Until 2024
Delay or no delay, it's not going to change the conundrum meaningfully.…
European Commission report hypes EU’s globally irrelevant, costly & unsustainable lower emissions schemes
Europe is well on its way into economic oblivion and there is…
Exxon Mobil’s climate trial in New York may hinge more on intent than evidence
New York is broke and they need a fresh donkey that shits gold…
Trump highlights benefits of shale to U.S. economy and the environment
15 years ago, North America has some of the highest Natural Gas…
Mark Ruffalo calls on govt to withdraw support for Shannon LNG project
What amazes me is the sheer lack of knowledge those activists…
China feeds coal addiction with 17 new mines this year
I must sound like a broken record as I have said this so many…
Russia Predicts The Death Of U.S. Shale
Sure, that's why they try to cop it. With very little success…
China’s Bid for Commodity Price Clout Extends to Natural Gas
All buyers in a bind try this out and it has always been a horrible…
IENOVA expects decision on Mexico Costa Azul LNG export plant in early 2020
Building a pipeline to the other side of Mexico in order to export…
Gas find offshore Mauritania will support major LNG development: Kosmos
In 2009 I met with a friend of mine who happens to be my go-to…