Cost could curb China’s gas appetite
It's the western words wishful thinking that sees endless gas…
Michael Mann Demands All Universities Declare a Climate Emergency
Or else he will sue them - and lose - as usual. If the facts…
Centrica to use customers’ hot water tanks to stop blackouts
Big brother is not watching you, big brother actually makes all…
Peak Oil Postponed… Again: US EIA International Energy Outlook
It's not only EIA that has gotten shale the wrong way. The entire…
LNG Is The American Aid Ukraine Really Needs
Getting any LNG to Ukraine is fraught with numerous pitfalls.…
Tellurian expresses optimism about talks with Saudi Aramco over Driftwood LNG investment
Supercontract with India - well not quite yet but almost there.…
Will ‘Video-Shaming’ Follow Our Summer of ‘Flight-Shaming’?
There is only one solution according to Alarmists. We must revert…
Pipeline Protest Could Hurt Democrats’ Chances in Minn.
I have said it many, many times and I will undoubtedly say it…
‘Smart’ Appalachian Operators Can Handle Sub $2 Natural Gas
The most powerful form of energy is human ingenuity. I will forever…
Saudi Arabia picks up the pieces
A piece that Saudi Arabia cant pick up is the experiences we…
Global Warming to Blame But Definitely Not Linked to Early Snow in the Rockies
I don't envy those Alarmists. All their predictions go to crap…
EIA 2019 report shows developing nations CO2 emissions increasing 8.4 billion metric tons by 2050
What you mean here? Should Greta have directed her words at nations…
Climate Champion China Ramping Up Government Funding for Fossil Fuel
China always hoped that they will be able to feed on a bubble…
Climate activist Greta Thunberg proclaimed “Successor of Christ” by Church of Sweden
Here we go. Holy Greta is Christ incarnate. Is there a limit…
Some Chinese Electric Cars Are ‘Simply Worthless’: Industry Body
China starts to wake up to the long tail of problems associated…
Big Oil Starts Climate Initiative To Win Young People Back
Big Oil is mistaken. They feed a monster thats out to kill them.…
Oil Price Projected to Hit $185 in 2050
This price will immediately make any unconventional oil and gas…
George Soros Emerges as Major Funder of ‘Global Climate Strike’ Groups
If Soros really cared about freedom and about democracy, he would…
The “climate doom” timeline
Save it - it will come in handy when you discuss climate alarmists…
Rock-solid climate solutions: Negative emissions technology
The Earth is in a carbon drought. CO2 from human activities have…
Global Warming Quotes & Climate Change Quotes
Those seeking to make tons of money off the backs of the credulous…
Hydrogen hurdles: a deadly blast hampers South Korea’s big fuel cell car bet
Hydrogen is the new big fad since European politicians have found…
Vacuum Chamber Temperature Test Debunks Climate Crisis Claims
CO2 does not warm the atmosphere. Why is that news?
Top-level climate modeler goes rogue, criticizes ‘nonsense’ of ‘global warming crisis’
Every cult starts to fray when their core participants go astray.…
Despite Bankruptcies, US Shale is Not Doomed
Remember the dotcom bubble around 2000? It was the great dying…
Targeting a $2 trillion valuation, Aramco readies IPO plan for October
This whole "truth-seeking" exercise will be an eye-opener for…
Are 1,600 new coal-fired power plants being constructed today?
458 coal plants under construction or development. Coal is not…
Why China’s Renewable Energy Transition Is Losing Momentum
Analysts fear that China might not hit the 2030 targets. Firstly,…
Celebrities and climate change: Activism or hypocrisy?
Many of those folks come from humble beginnings and thats why…
A Line-By-Line Response to Greta Thunberg’s UN Speech
A fun read. I thought of doing something similar but I could…
Facebook Removed False Label After Scientists Said Climate ‘Alarmist’ Fact Checkers Are Targeting Them
This happens on many popular sites such as Facebook, Quora, Linkedin…
India’s Petronet has risks to weigh before closing Driftwood LNG deal
Judging from all the hoopla created at Gastech in Houston one…
After failure in New York, we must reshape the politics of climate change
Here is what the activists think. They expected New York to result…
Teenager Thunberg angrily tells U.N. climate summit ‘you have stolen my dreams’
Just a few weeks ago I had my 50th birthday. Time to look back…
New LNG technology developed at University of Calgary touted as greener, cheaper
Now that LNG goes more mainstream, there will be a lot more tinkering.…
Importing LNG, despite US surplus
Expand on the transport of LNG by rail and Boston might not need…
Modi’s American LNG deal: It is all about price
If Indians try to replace coal with the LNG, it will be economically…
Tech Breakthrough Could Help Slumping Electric Car Sales
It seems to be human nature that when an insurmountable obstacle…
Risk of Further Saudi Attacks High
Combine that with the news that Japan puts 10 billion into LNG…
Oil industry’s future may rest on climate debate over natural gas
Natural Gas does not make carbon unavoidable. Post-Medieval times…
NGVA Europe: LNG-powered trucks do reduce emissions
If you use BioMethane from a landfill, you actually go carbon…
Democrat Slams Ocasio-Cortez’s Fracking Claim: ‘We Do Ourselves No Favors When We Ignore Science’
The funny thing is that when AOC spouts such nonsense, it makes…
Activists Share Their ‘Climate Change Sins’ During Protest
What an incredible freak show. It's a giant feast where everyone…
Across the globe, millions join biggest climate protest ever
China did not allow protests. The biggest emitter of CO2 does…
“Clean Energy”–But At What Cost?
And when you want to discuss those numbers with renewable advocates…
Union Chief Demands Reliable & Affordable Nuclear Power to Save Industries & Members’ Jobs
When people find out that their livelihoods are going down the…
Statement by the WMO Science Advisory Group
Has the chairman of this organization not recently said in an…
Stop Indulging This Spoilt, Little Brat!
How dare you, Greta, demand from a por child in Africa or any…
Stalled gas pipelines could push power grids back to oil and coal
That's what the fanatics never contemplate. People still need…
Scientists ‘Tantalised’ by Draining Every Hydropower Dam in The US For Solar Panels
Every revolution eventually turns on its children. First, they…
Futurism: The Hydrogen Economy
The hydrogen Fuel Cell is a bit like the fusion reactor. Always…
Big Plans For Small Nuclear Plants
I don't fear Climate Change at all as its a scam movement to…
Underground Reservoir Of Gas Discovered Off The Coast Of Japan
Methane Hydrates are still quite pricey to develop. Buying LNG…
China and India demand cash for climate action on eve of UN summit
Surprise, surprise - the red Ponzi and his new best friend want…
Nuclear could be the clean energy source the world needs
Climate Warriors should be the biggest nuclear fans. They are…
Feds scrapped 100 years of data on climate change
Imagine the gall. What they really tell people is "We don't like…
100 rail cars full of LNG. Thats impressive numbers as its 10,000m3…
Homeowners turn away from solar panels as subsidies end
Oh surprise, surprise. Let me translate that into proper English.…
Trump says Green New Deal would turn US into ‘hermit nation’
The US and its federal structure would most likely make sure…
German Climatologist Unloads: ‘IPCC Is To Deceive People’, Hockey Stick Graph A Fake
The rats are leaving the ship. Pressure in Climate Science is…