Only 36% of USA Believe Humans are Mainly Responsible for Climate Change
I speak to lots of people here in Austria. Most are very skeptical…
Charif Souki warns of dire need for US gas infrastructure
Souki is right when he says that the US needs more infrastructure…
Oil’s Swings Reinforce Saudi Arabia’s Key Role in Energy Markets
The oil price jumped by less than 10 USD and for a few days only.…
‘The world has no chance of beating climate change if natural gas is part of the mix’
CO2 concentration in the air is measured in ppm. This means Parts…
Why Bill Gates Thinks It’s Time to End Subsidies for Wind and Solar Power
Bill has built a world champion business with his wits, his guts,…
Fossil Fool Divestment Achieves New Level of Really Stupid and Futile Gesturing!
This has a sunny side. All the virtue signallers force themselves…
When You Put Junk Science In, You Get Junk Science Out
The temperature goes up. Not on the thermometer but metaphorically…
Consuming the “Planet of the Humans:” The Most Important Documentary of the Century
Whenever fossil fuels are to be presented in a bad light, one…
Wanna Know What’s Really Powering Australia? It Ain’t Sunshine & Breezes – It’s Coal
Australians pay a steep price for their virtue signaling. In…
Iran seeks to read Trump’s mind
Well, then Iran really does not get it. They have just delivered…
Sonatrach aims for more
Sonatrach faces an Egyptian problem. Their domestic gas demand…
No golden buyers for US second wave
Who is surprised now? It was clear for years that oversupply…
Guardian Suggests UN is Boosting Greta Thunberg to Undermine President Trump’s Climate Policy
I am not surprised. When I served as a Blue Helmet in Syria,…
Coordinated drone attack cuts Saudi oil production in half
Look beyond the attack. It deepens the feeling that being dependent…
CLIMATE CRISIS AUSTRALIA : ‘2019 Is Officially Perisher’s Longest Ski Season In Memory’
Just like the ice in the Arctic that should have disappeared…
World In Midst of Carbon Drought (w/ Prof. William Happer, Princeton University)
This should be required watching for everyone. Common sense ...
Criticism of Climate Messiah Greta Thunberg is Toxic Masculinity
That's a kid. To be treated with some care. And ad hominem attacks…
Unfurling The Waste Problem Caused By Wind Energy
No, that cant be. We have been told that those blades will disintegrate…
If China Stops Building Lots of Coal Plants they will be a Climate Leader
Climate leader? Those climate nuts never leave out any turd destined…
Spain’s Naturgy launches new LNG distribution system
Looks nice - I like it.
Linkedin Thread
U.S. exported more oil than Saudi Arabia in June
I still remember when I put a slide into a strategy presentation…
Cuomo’s war on pipelines means pain for little people
Would that not be a business case for LNG deliveries by a truck?…
Energy Tycoon T. Boone Pickens Jr. Dies at 91
That's a tough one for me. I met T Boone very shortly almost…
Cruise Ship Companies Are Finding It Hard to Quit Carbon
Sure - they know that ships can't go with batteries for a week…
No Need for Energy Poverty
Politicians live in their political bubble. Sanders has been…
Gas to Become Primary Energy Source in 2026
Some like to see gas as a transition energy form. until what…
The Era of the Gas Mega-Players
Lets put some nuts into that. By 2030 - Russia will have definitely…
Shipping must start planning for zero CO2
OK, let's see how diligently the shipping industry worked towards…
Equinor Works to Clean Up Oil Spill at Bahamas Terminal
Let's assume this would have been an LNG terminal and the LNG…
Natural Gas Stands Out Among Fossil Fuels
You think that's exciting? Buckle up my friend as this is going…
Japan regulator to launch new investigation into Fukushima nuclear disaster
Something big gets built - a power plant if you like. When it…
It Is Time To Place Energy At The Heart Of The U.S.-Europe Security Relationship
It's not only tanks and planes. It's keeping those things in…
Climate Crisis! Companies are Investing Big in New Oil Fields
Fossil fuel companies know that when the party is over, even…
Electric Vehicle Subsidies Bring Unintended Consequences
Electric Vehicles are toys for the rich paid for by the average…
VW Warning: EU Climate Policies “Threaten The Very Existence” Of Germany’s Car Industry
Germany is on an endless crusade to shoot itself in both feet…
New Saudi energy minister: a royal with decades of experience in OPEC cuts
Another chip of the old block tries himself at the oil show.…
Ship with Climate Change Warriors caught in ice, Warriors evacuated
This is virtual ice. They cannot be caught in real ice as it's…
Warmer Earth, greener North
If you had visited Paris or Chicago 50.000 years ago, during…
Trump’s failure to fight climate change is a crime against humanity
OK, you have opened the can of worms. Let's see whats in it I…
Kamala Harris Lied About #ExxonKnew Lies
Big companies - not only in energy - always shake the tree to…
Solar panels: Thousands of customers complain
I have a number of friends who have solar arrays on their roofs.…
Putin pushes idea of Russian gas supplies to China via Mongolia
How sweet, Russian Blackmail. OK, let's take a look at the map.…
The next target in the climate-change debate: your gas stove
Who uses gas stoves? Exactly, the normal people. People like…
The Dirty Extractive Underbelly of Clean Energy
E-Vehicle enthusiasts like to point at how clean their vehicles…
Swedish Behaviourist Suggests Cannibalism to Combat Climate Change
There are moments when I think I have seen the deepest ends of…
3 New (2018) Papers Link Recent Climate Change To Solar Activity
I liked this very much mostly because it just plain makes sense.…
Busting The Myth Of The World’s Hottest Electric Car Market
Norway was the golden boy from the North for a long time. They…
This guy certainly knows what he is talking about. He is the…
When Will All the Ice in the Arctic Be Gone?
According to Al Gore, its all gone already. Of course, its not…
Whatever America’s energy future, our nuclear waste problem isn’t going anywhere
Nuclear waste is a political problem only. If we poured all nuclear…
Electric Car Sales Fall for First Time After China Cuts Subsidy
Electric vehicles are a drain on the budget. They need subsidies…
Saudis Lean on Oil-Trading Contacts in Push to Become Big in LNG
LNG is magic dust. It must be - oil revenues dip so you just…
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Climate
Wind and sun electricity are both network hogs. Their flicker…
Russia LNG Ambitions Advance With Plans for Remotest Regions
See how this is done? No haggling with investors that want to…
Why Blockchain is a Hammer Looking for a Nail and Where it Might Find it
I like the idea of a blockchain. It's a neat concept that has…
The Thermageddonites are “studying” us. Be afraid – be very afraid
An office of the truth - how very fitting. They should get some…
Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidised
Common sense coming to India.
Linkedin Thread
Child prophets and proselytizers of climate catastrophe
In 1994 my brother and I decided to make a trip to California,…
A $20B Fund in Denmark Dumps 10 Major Oil Companies
It is about time those funds dumped fossil energy. They are a…
The Anti-Climate-Change Energy Crunch Is Starting To Hit New York
I have long said that this is a long game. If you have got time,…