Climate Crisis! Companies are Investing Big in New Oil Fields
Fossil fuel companies know that when the party is over, even…
Electric Vehicle Subsidies Bring Unintended Consequences
Electric Vehicles are toys for the rich paid for by the average…
VW Warning: EU Climate Policies “Threaten The Very Existence” Of Germany’s Car Industry
Germany is on an endless crusade to shoot itself in both feet…
New Saudi energy minister: a royal with decades of experience in OPEC cuts
Another chip of the old block tries himself at the oil show.…
Ship with Climate Change Warriors caught in ice, Warriors evacuated
This is virtual ice. They cannot be caught in real ice as it's…
Warmer Earth, greener North
If you had visited Paris or Chicago 50.000 years ago, during…
Trump’s failure to fight climate change is a crime against humanity
OK, you have opened the can of worms. Let's see whats in it I…
Kamala Harris Lied About #ExxonKnew Lies
Big companies - not only in energy - always shake the tree to…
Solar panels: Thousands of customers complain
I have a number of friends who have solar arrays on their roofs.…
Putin pushes idea of Russian gas supplies to China via Mongolia
How sweet, Russian Blackmail. OK, let's take a look at the map.…
The next target in the climate-change debate: your gas stove
Who uses gas stoves? Exactly, the normal people. People like…
The Dirty Extractive Underbelly of Clean Energy
E-Vehicle enthusiasts like to point at how clean their vehicles…
Swedish Behaviourist Suggests Cannibalism to Combat Climate Change
There are moments when I think I have seen the deepest ends of…
3 New (2018) Papers Link Recent Climate Change To Solar Activity
I liked this very much mostly because it just plain makes sense.…
Busting The Myth Of The World’s Hottest Electric Car Market
Norway was the golden boy from the North for a long time. They…
This guy certainly knows what he is talking about. He is the…
When Will All the Ice in the Arctic Be Gone?
According to Al Gore, its all gone already. Of course, its not…
Whatever America’s energy future, our nuclear waste problem isn’t going anywhere
Nuclear waste is a political problem only. If we poured all nuclear…
Electric Car Sales Fall for First Time After China Cuts Subsidy
Electric vehicles are a drain on the budget. They need subsidies…
Saudis Lean on Oil-Trading Contacts in Push to Become Big in LNG
LNG is magic dust. It must be - oil revenues dip so you just…
Why Renewables Can’t Save the Climate
Wind and sun electricity are both network hogs. Their flicker…
Russia LNG Ambitions Advance With Plans for Remotest Regions
See how this is done? No haggling with investors that want to…
Why Blockchain is a Hammer Looking for a Nail and Where it Might Find it
I like the idea of a blockchain. It's a neat concept that has…
The Thermageddonites are “studying” us. Be afraid – be very afraid
An office of the truth - how very fitting. They should get some…
Solar energy badly harms the environment. It must be taxed, not subsidised
Common sense coming to India.
Linkedin Thread
Child prophets and proselytizers of climate catastrophe
In 1994 my brother and I decided to make a trip to California,…
A $20B Fund in Denmark Dumps 10 Major Oil Companies
It is about time those funds dumped fossil energy. They are a…
The Anti-Climate-Change Energy Crunch Is Starting To Hit New York
I have long said that this is a long game. If you have got time,…
Geopolitics in a Liberalizing LNG Market: A Primer
There is a lot of wishful thinking about seeing a commodity when…
Hydrogen from nuclear power could be a new source of low carbon energy
Hydrogen is pollution-free - if you produce it by splitting water…
China’s Very Ambitious Transportation Revolution
OK, I get it - China wants to be less dependent of oil imports.…
Trump says windmill power isn’t working. His Energy secretary disagrees
Perry is a politician, and who knows he may hope that one day…
Natural gas soon to be outlawed in almost all new Menlo Park buildings
I love America. Where else is such an idiot scheme possible in…
How one climate scientist combats threats and misinformation from chemtrail conspiracists
One more weirdo trying to play god. OK, let's be fair. It's a…
Already Cheaper Than Gas, China’s Renewables to Undercut Coal by 2026
Why do I see red lights flashing all over this renewable jubilation…
Australia funds world-first project to turn biogas from sewage into hydrogen
Help me here. They use carbon-neutral biogas in order to produce…
Climate change protesters admit using a diesel generator to power their stage
At the last Austrian National election in 2017, the Greens ran…
Scientists discover evidence for past high-level sea rise
Such news must immediately be suppressed by the supreme council…
Eni Makes Significant Find Onshore Nigeria
There is oil in them fields ...
Linkedin Thread
This picture spoke a thousand words about ‘climate change’ – until it didn’t @CNN @BBC @AlGore
One starving polar bear and polar bears are in danger. Never…
Now you can pay to bury charcoal in a quarry to allay your ‘green guilt’ – but first it has to be imported from Namibia
This is an obscenity on the level with 16-year-olds using high…
Solar power could replace all US hydro dams using ‘just 13% of the space
They dump on the one renewable thing that saves their butts at…
NGVs have the best carbon footprint, says German automobile club’s study
Automobile Clubs are nothing to be trifled with in Germany. People…
New market for LNG as Germany moves to add import terminals
Let's keep it, straight folks. I would love one or two German…
China Power figures show how much cheaper solar is than coal
What they are not saying is that coal consumption in China is…
We have a similar report from the German automobile association…
Former National Grid Director Says Britain Should Impose Limits On New Wind And Solar Farms To Avoid Blackouts
One would suppose that if there is someone to know what the grid…
Trump Will Not Risk US Energy Wealth for Windmill Dreams
Only a fool would destroy his economic foundation on the basis…
US LNG Export Plans Hit Trade War Snags
OK, now is the time when the solid LNG projects will separate…
Rotterdam Posts Another Record Quarter for LNG Bunker Sales
It's still pretty small but its growing fast. Just imagine, if…
Eni Wins Offshore Indonesia Block
Oil companies clearly don't believe that oil is going to be done…
Equatorial Guinea poised to become a regional gas hub
EG seems to have recognized the signs of the times. If you produce…
China’s Very Ambitious Transportation Revolution
Yeah right. China has a double problem. The smaller one is that…
The shrillness of Alarmists is a good sign that they can feel…
Barack and Michelle Obama are buying a $15M estate in Martha’s Vineyard
He is not afraid of the rising seas it seems.
‘Drastic change’ as zero-subsidy stokes offshore wind tension: contractor
That is absolutely impossible. The renewable folks do not tire…
Climate Alarmists Foiled: No U.S. Warming Since 2005
That should be on the front page of every newspaper. There should…
The latest victims of the far-left’s environmental zealotry: Long Islanders
I am curious how people will react when they find out that their…
China places first-time tariff on U.S. crude
China puts a tariff on US oil. This means they get it from somewhere…
Foreign oil firms bailing on Canada in $30 billion exodus
My Grandpa told me "Ugly brides need to be extra nice". Canada…