Care About the Planet? Don’t Ban Fracking.

The more the Democrats pander to the extreme left fringes and…

Nigeria struggles to realise gas potential

Nigeria needs less giant mega projects and more small scale entrepreneurial…

Russia’s Dirty Oil Crisis Leaves Pipe Giant Scarred

Russian oil and gas runs for a large part on legacy systems that…

A Major Shareholder Has Divested From Exxon

Time to get rid of those shareholders. There are plenty of those…

Quiet in Norwegian Arctic port as reloading of Russian LNG comes to end

Everyone who knows LNG marine operations knows that reloading…

New Mega-Battery Install a Fresh Sign of Future Marine Power Trends

Great, try that with a deep ocean-going vessel that needs to…

The U.S. Is Overflowing With Natural Gas. Not Everyone Can Get It

There will be a two-class America - states where people enjoy…

Climate Change Divides Europe

Politicians, they know exactly that this lunatic climate scare…

OPEC’s Latest Move Shows It’s ‘Drawing a Line in the Sand’ on Falling Oil Prices

The old fox Al Naimi had it all figured out. Let prices drop…

The Earth is in a death spiral. It will take radical action to save us

So the choice is either going back to live under the conditions…

S. Korean Shipbuilders Striving to Break GTT Monopoly in LNG Containment Systems

It's about time someone cracked this monopoly open. It's not…

Permian Poised for Next Pipeline Wave

All this pipeline growth and energy amassing at the USGC will…

China And India Will Watch The West Destroy Itself

To a certain extent, there is some truth in this. Then again,…

Is a Truly Cold War Emerging in the Arctic?

Are the resources there? Most likely - most certainly even. But…

How Bloomberg Pays to Prosecute the Trump EPA

Oh yeahh, it's not about the money. It's just about saving the…

That Old Gas Stove Is Not Your Friend

I have always been a big fan of giving people what they want.…

Why OPEC+ Will Outlive Shale

In 2006, long before the shale fueled feeding frenzy, I saw a…

Sales of hybrid cars plummet after subsidy cut

Electric vehicles are really just toys for the rich financed…

Eco Extremists Plan to Shut Down Heathrow Airport for Two Weeks with Drones

Just imagine one of those things brings down an airliner full…

LNG Ships Are Turning Away From Europe’s Gloomy Gas Market

What will you do if your cargo of LNG is in the Atlantic, the…

Tight storage prompts Guangdong Energy to receive LNG cargo through double discharge

That's the nature of Asian LNG buyers. When the tanks are full,…

Israel’s Energy Dilemma: More Natural Gas Than It Can Use or Export

How is this a dilemma? Why would Israel even contemplate gas…

Shale Patch Struggles 5 Years After Crude Collapse

The turmoil the shale sector in the US goes through is a constant…

Decarbonizing US Power Grid Would Cost Up To $4.5T

This assumes that the unbelievable cost figures advanced by renewable…

BP says some of its oil won’t see the light of day

The stone age did not end for a lack of stones. It's an old adage…

America’s liquefied natural gas boom may be on a collision course with climate change

Is methane slippage an issue? Yes, it is. Can it be handled?…

Congressmen seek longer comment period for LNG-by-rail permit request

Public scrutiny is a good thing - safety first. So, there should…

Global economy heading for trouble as manufacturing and construction shrink

Most people have already forgotten that we have only paper patched…

Higher Asian prices, European gas stocks trigger LNG flow reshuffle

Europe starts to assume its role as a flexibility tool to world…

Clean Energy Requires Rare Metals. Should We Mine the Ocean Floor to Get Them?

There really is no such thing as a free lunch. We do understand…

Embracing the Suck of Asteroid Mining

The same is true for stranded reserves on Earth. Many believe…

Saudi-Russian Oil Fling Becomes Marriage

Historically, it has never been a good idea for the dinosaurs…

Building LNG-powered ships newest industry along U.S./Mexico border

Almost 10 years ago I predicted that manufacturing will come…

EDGE begins on-well site LNG production in US

I don't have any numbers on this but if this is an economical…

New Solar + Battery Price Crushes Fossil Fuels, Buries Nuclear

Anyone, I am exposed to quite a number of renewable energy projects…

Record High Temperatures in France: 3 Facts the Media Don’t Tell You

The hottest recorded day for the last 200 years. How have temperatures…

Atomic Ascendancy: Australians Now See Nuclear Power as the Natural Choice

I have said it many times. People need to feel the consequences…

Battery Storage—An Infinitesimal Part of Electrical Power

The current renewable developer still counts on the legacy fossil…

Will Russia Survive The Coming Energy Transition?

Russia has a resource problem at its hands for sure. But it's…

Can Austria Fire Up Central Europe’s Appetite For LNG Fueled Vehicles?

Austria is a country that could be overlooked. Except for its…

Pricing carbon is essential but inadequate

We need some model regions/countries going for the full Monty…

The LNG sector is breaking taboos to stay competitive

There are lots of interesting developments underway in LNG right…

Gigafactory in Nevada is critical to Tesla’s future

History was very unkind with "Bigger is better" schemes. There…

Energy in China-US trade negotiations

If the US started to develop its internal market for LNG by encouraging…

UN Warns “Climate Apartheid” by 2030, though $100 Billion per Year would Help

The whole things reminds me of the selling of indulgences by…

Canada Risks Becoming Banana Republic Over Energy

Well, if projections are just about right, the US will soon be…

LNG plays havoc with Dutch gas and Asian shipping

3 years ago there was speculation at what price level US liquefaction…

EU rules set to boost LNG in new trucks could apply in July

2025 - that's right on us. You don't agree? Well, I am running…

U.S. Forming New Persian Gulf Plan, Enlisting Other Countries to Keep Watch

China should be leaning hard on its ally Iran to stop whatever…

G20 countries triple coal power subsidies despite climate crisis

What a perfect example of news spin in order to produce fake…

Japan, US and Australia begin own ‘Belt and Road’ in South Pacific

The best way to deal with belt and road is to let things run…

Media Attacks Should Be a Signal to Trump: Focus on Flawed Climate Science

Attacks by Climate Alarmists have really become rabid over the…

The race is on to decarbonize the 50,000-plus ships that carry our stuff around the world

Much of our current lifestyle is based on cheap and fast transport…

Volkswagen bets big on its CNG fleet at the German natural gas forum

VW is doing the right thing but they are still a bit coy about…

Can Civil Disobedience Spur Action On Climate Change?

Democracy is the rule of the majority while respecting the minority.…

Why Politicians Who Don’t Understand the Science of Global Warming Don’t Need to Act.

Politicians are just blowing smoke in our eyes while they knowingly…

Early Shale Optimist Sees Another Decade of U.S. Supply Growth

Let's spin this further - this would mean that all future supply…