Who destroyed Nord Stream? Ukraine or Russia?

At last an analysis thats not total hot air. Penalties for not delivering gas quickly amounted to much more than the pipeline was worth to Gazprom. Financially they needed a true Force Majeure event and blowing up the tubes was the only one that would pass muster. Besides, the way those tubes had blown up suggests an explosion from the inside. The likeliest scenario would be loading the maintenance pigs with explosives and sending them down the tube. Only the Russians could have done that as they can only be fed at the entry station on Russian territory. Also, NS1+2 were chiefly designed to carry gas from the Yamal fields but it turns out that those fields are way more expensive to develop and operate than we were made to believe. I suppose that kickbacks to the various powers to be in Russia have already been cashed as well so blowing up the tubes was the logical way forward. This takes care of foreign investments that are way bigger than the cost of NS1+2. Two flies with one swat. Russians had plenty of reason to blow the pipes.

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