Are we happier with less
July 7, 2024/by Rudolf HuberAre human rights treaties a scam
June 30, 2024/by Rudolf HuberSpace Origami
June 15, 2024/by Rudolf HuberThe day after Globalisation
June 8, 2024/by Rudolf HuberThe slow death of the Cold War
June 1, 2024/by Rudolf HuberSurviving Idiocracy
May 25, 2024/by Rudolf HuberHow idiots make it to the top
May 18, 2024/by Rudolf HuberIdiots – the nature of the beast
May 11, 2024/by Rudolf HuberWhat is true
May 4, 2024/by Rudolf HuberAre you having fun yet
April 27, 2024/by Rudolf HuberCome with me if you wanna live …
September 8, 2020/by Rudolf HuberSummer Recess
July 14, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe industrial revival of North America
July 7, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe awakening of the zombie
June 30, 2020/by Rudolf HuberFueling the skies
June 23, 2020/by Rudolf HuberBetter than pie in the sky – Venus
June 16, 2020/by Rudolf HuberWith LNG to the stars
June 9, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe problem with fueling rockets
June 2, 2020/by Rudolf HuberRussia is trying to save what cannot be saved
May 26, 2020/by Rudolf HuberCherrypicking reference periods
May 18, 2020/by Rudolf HuberIs the current oil market mayhem beneficial for shale
May 12, 2020/by Rudolf HuberWhy the world needs a Trump
May 5, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe Compliance Industrial Complex
April 28, 2020/by Rudolf HuberLNG for free – who can take it?
April 21, 2020/by Rudolf HuberWill the OPEC++ oil deal do any good?
April 14, 2020/by Rudolf HuberBorder Adjustment Tax – Control Knob for Free Trade
April 8, 2020/by Rudolf HuberHow free shall trade ever be
March 31, 2020/by Rudolf HuberHow COVID-19 will reshape energy
March 24, 2020/by Rudolf HuberWarming waters …
March 17, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe 5th Climate wave
March 10, 2020/by Rudolf HuberA flawed world economy laid bare by COVID-19
March 3, 2020/by Rudolf HuberShow me – the problem with evidence
February 25, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe wrath of the Tsar
February 18, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThere is (an old) a new sow in the village …
February 11, 2020/by Rudolf HuberEscaping Potemkin
February 4, 2020/by Rudolf HuberHelios – The weather machine in the sky
January 28, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe first LNG Market Maker
January 21, 2020/by Rudolf HuberTerra Methanum – the methane machine
January 14, 2020/by Rudolf HuberIs wine a good proxy for temperature changes
January 7, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe wonderful world of methane 2
January 1, 2020/by Rudolf HuberThe wonderful world of methane 1
December 25, 2019/by Rudolf HuberEurope – from LNG’s killing fields to its innovation hub
December 17, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe LNG seesaw is out of whack
December 10, 2019/by Rudolf HuberLNG – Banishment from paradise
December 3, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe original sin of LNG
November 26, 2019/by Rudolf HuberLNG – The nature of the beast
November 19, 2019/by Rudolf HuberGas Rails – The next level of LNG distribution
November 12, 2019/by Rudolf HuberLife after reliable energy
November 5, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe smallest LNG lobbying organisation does the heavy lifting to change excise taxes in Austria
October 29, 2019/by Rudolf HuberA bigger planet – Fossil free transport
October 22, 2019/by Rudolf HuberElectric Anarchy – Life without fossil fuels
October 15, 2019/by Rudolf HuberOil Farming
October 8, 2019/by Rudolf HuberWho stole my dreams
October 1, 2019/by Rudolf HuberNOPEC’s last battle
September 24, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe end of effortless oil
September 17, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe Holy Church of Climatology
September 8, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe gas of life and the climate
September 3, 2019/by Rudolf HuberTaking the heat
August 27, 2019/by Rudolf HuberThe new American age
August 20, 2019/by Rudolf HuberIs it smart for the US to export LNG
August 13, 2019/by Rudolf HuberButter Bad, Seed Oils Good, Says New Study
The problem with plant-based oils is not the plants or the oils themselves. It’s the... Read more →
NASA Jettisons ‘Climate Advisor,’ DEI Branch, and Other Drags on Space Program
Institutions such as NASA have become monsters that do lots of stuff they should not... Read more →
OPEC+ oil production surges as Kazakhstan ignores, exceeds quota
There has always been cheating in OPEC and, of course, in its inflated version, OPEC+.... Read more →
Judge sanctions Michael E. Mann for “Bad-Faith Trial Misconduct” in Mann v. Free Speech:
This is getting interesting. Liars will have to start factoring in paying a price for... Read more →
A Hopeful Look at China
China, China, China. Just today, I saw a podcast claiming that the Chinese population may... Read more →
Texas is going big on desalination
Texas also has a lot of wind power that constantly tries to kill the grid.... Read more →
If António Guterres Can’t Get Basic Facts Right, Why Should We Believe the UN on Anything?
International organisations have become a playground for a caste of highly corrupt people who will... Read more →
Lift the veil on wind power killing eagles
When I was a kid in the Seventies, there were birds everywhere. There were huge... Read more →
Driving a Stake Through Stakeholder Capitalism
Stakeholder Capitalism should receive a new moniker as the current one is misleading at best.... Read more →
Trump’s Secret Plan To Restart Nord Stream 2 Sparks Backlash in Germany
North Stream would have to be rebuilt. The original lines have been contaminated with seawater... Read more →
Dead Minds All Think Alike
When I was a teenager I stumbled upon a book. The core message hidden within... Read more →
Why the ‘Me Too’ movement should be a warning to those lying about climate change
In a sense, I agree with the author of those words but I doubt it’s... Read more →
Elon Musk’s DOGE Adventure Leads to Knotty Accounting Question for Tesla
It’s not the only problem facing Tesla. The carmaker can only survive because of lavish... Read more →
Commission pushes EU’s 2040 climate law into spring
2040 you say. Let me guess – all senior decision-makers on the political and corporate... Read more →
Putin to Solovyov: “Deal? What Deal?”
The geopolitical scene has changed more over the last couple of weeks than it has... Read more →
Dear DOGE: It’s time to end energy subsidies
It makes sense to look at everything thats subsidized by any public entity and go... Read more →
Mine, Baby, Mine – Right Here in the USA!
Mining has not left the developed world because there is more stuff in the crust... Read more →
FBI Probing Biden’s $20 Billion Green Fund For Potential Fraud
All this probing for fraud and embezzlement is very interesting but no matter how deep... Read more →
Will the President pursue grid reliability?
No developed economy can function without an acceptably stable grid. The grid has two ends... Read more →
Forging A New Climate-Friendly Coalition Government for Germany a Daunting Task
The Germans are not ready. The last election has shown that too many people still... Read more →
Unwrapping the Mystery: Is China the New Russia?
There’s nothing mysterious about China or Russia—both are gangster states with imperial ambitions. They exploit... Read more →
AGDC: market interest in Alaska LNG continues to rise
I’m a big fan of LNG, but that doesn’t mean every LNG project is good.... Read more →
Unleashing LNG: Trump’s Geopolitical Triumph Demands a New Realism
The massive gas overhang (courtesy of shale oil drilling) in the US creates more opportunities... Read more →