If the methane molecule did not exist, it would have to be invented. It has all the properties that the backbone for a new energy economy must have. It burns clenly, its technology and chemistry is stable and well understood, it can be economically used for almost anything, and its extremely abundant. It is surprising that Methane has such an undeservedly shaddy reputation. Time to act.

Methane Advocacy

The Natural Gas world is a pretty self congratulatory bunch. Natural Gas has been the poor cousin of oil. Now, its a competitor and people find out its different not only from coal but also from oil and its business. My focus is 100% on Methane – all of it, but nothing else.

The frontline figther

Austria is in the middle of Europe in many ways. When it comes to long distance truck transport, its virtually unavoidable. This means it needs to be an important focus for LNG as a fuel. But Austrian authorities and regulators can be a bit sleepy towards new things. We change that.

The Institute of Methane Fuels

LNG Europe is a forum, a knowledge platform, a lobbying organization and a business connector that aims to gather the players in Europes LNG markets through memberships and use this clout to tear down obstacles and create new business avenues.

Try and fail,but don’t fail to try.

John Quincy Adams


I have given keynote speeches at hundreds of industry events on all continents except Antarctica. You wont be bored. If you need a workshop and not a speech, please consult the training section of the website for more information.

Public Speaking

I like speaking, from 10 minute stump speech to the 2 hour keynote adress. A word of warning though. If you expect me to give you a friendly, boring presentation of something reading my own slides, I can’t do that. I will be irritational, I will be abrasive and I will point the finger where it hurts.

Preconditons for Speaking

If your event and the subject to speak about is interesting and new, I might decide to not charge you for my time. But I expect you to pick up my travel cost and accomodation if such is necessary. If this is not possible for you I will understand but will politely desist from speaking at your event.

Book a Speech

Don’t get hung up on the title. Asking is always free and never obliges you to anything. Tell me about you and your event and I will come back with a proposal.

I am the punishment of God…
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you.

Temüdschin (Genghis Khan)


Still hesitating? I don’t blame you. There are just so many hollow acts. But don’t take my word for it – read what others that know me say.

Rudolf is in many ways a human 2.0 – very bright, good at languages, skills that cover the whole value chain of gas and the ability to question the conventional! The last is perhaps the most valuable, even if not all established “experts” want to listen. Frequently, time shows him right. His impatience is refreshing and a discussion with him is always enlightening!

I met Rudi about a year ago (2015) when I was working on LNG Procurement with Emirates LNG. I needed very specific knowledge on contracts, market mechanisms and pricing. I tried a couple of sources to get smart, but it was not until I attended Rudi’s workshop on LNG contracts and prices that I really got to the core of everything. Rudi answered all my questions in simple language that was clear and easy to understand. Since then, whenever I have any question or something I am unclear on, I ask Rudi and I immediately get an answer. Not many people achieve mastery of anything at the level that Rudi has on the Gas and LNG industry. If you need to understand, really understand, then I highly recommend Rudi’s workshop.

I first discovered a certain Rudolf Huber while he was wrapping up at Fuel Emulsions International and starting at NeXtLNG. After setting me straight on my quest for the latest innovations with Marine fuels, I knew that the “Pit Bull” deserved special notice. Aside from having a passion for the Energy Business, he also has a teacher’s ability to inspire further investigation. He ventures an opinion where others don’t dare and he does so with wit that few who follow the sector can match. Rudolf champions realistic energy choices and is not afraid of shining BRIGHT lights on the changes ahead.