Tag Archive for: Gas pricing

Ragnarok for oil sellers – and you thought the mayhem is over
All those interested in Norse mythology (I am sure there are…

The real reason for the (so called) low oil price
So we have lived through the last OPEC meeting in Vienna holding…

European Natural Gas prices – where are we headed
European natural gas prices are a shambles. The ones say that one can't make a living under those conditions as the price is to low for comfort.
The others say that it's to high for gas to be competitive. Who is right? An off the beaten path analysis.
A couple of things were conveniently forgotten by those driving the portfolios. First gravity - everything that goes up eventually will come down. European energy utilities and gas traders deluded themselves into believing that the Bonanza would be never ending.

Cheap oil is over – what that means for LNG
Cheap oil is gone, expensive oil comes in. But that changes the architecture of the energy planet more than most would like to think.

LNG in the Black Sea – a pipedream?
The Ukraine has a LNG problem. It’s a major blunder and it looks like LNG in the region is doomed. As strange as it sounds, there might be a bright future for LNG in the Black Sea still.

Gas price formulas and the Big Mac Index
Oil price links are finally coming to an end in Europe. In fact, they have eked an existence as Zombies of the energy world as the fundamental mechanism destroying them was not American shale but free markets.

LNG supply for Asia – fighting the Hydra
New Asian LNG buyers (outside the JKT and China) have a problem. They are perceived to be in the “I will pay any price for LNG” club by sellers. Many of them face vastly different situations from each other in their home markets. Not an enviable position but one that can be dealt with.