Tag Archive for: LNG as fuel

Who will pull the curtain on the first gas-electric 18 wheeler/excavator/locomotive
Lads, it's crazy. I have always asked myself why there is so…

There is a monster waiting for OPEC – and it’s not shale
So, OPEC has finally shown that they mean business and decided…

Open letter to President-elect Donald J. Trump
Dear President-elect Donald J. Trump,
This letter might be…

Distributed electricity Generation with LNG
This blog post was written a long time ago and it was sort of…

Can LNG prevail against the dark side of energy
LNG is clean and hence destined to be part of the world's war against coal. Japan bucks the trend as it increases coal consumption and reduces LNG.

Jogging on a clogged street – no more dangerous than jogging in a mountain village
Joggers know the problem. Every time you jog close to a road…

DieselGate – why the US drew first blood and how to get out
No matter how many years I blasted the message to the world,…

For our children – and ourselves
It's more than 3 years now that I have been fighting for some…

How to beat chicken and egg in LNG bunkering
Just imagine it’s Christmas but nobody is there. That’s a…

LNG, CNG and electric vehicles – what’s doing what
I cannot remember how many times I had the issue on the table.…

Use LNG or lose money – the example of Iran
Let me give you some figures straight. Iran consumes a little…

No filter will save us – particulate matter kills
Anyone knowing this blog and I sure knows the rationale. Diesel…

The Danube river – from backwater to energy artery
Some days ago I met an old couple from Düsseldorf on the tram.…

The taming of the shrew – vehicle owners and LNG
LNG is a fringe fuel - or it still is because we can see it becoming mainstream very fast. The old fuelling world is staging a fierce defense battle. And they will not shy back from making it real ugly to switch. But as Victor Hugo once famously said "You can't beat ideas when their time has come".

The diesel engine – a driving garbage incinerator
The diesel engine is the backbone of our transport economy. But diesel is also trash. It is a formerly unwanted by product of refining oil and its the disillate closest to the bottom of the barrel which is even worse. It is a very dirty fuel that produces a plethora of nasty byproducts, all of them deleterious to human health. Its a shame that the world of the 21st century is still hooked on it.

Beyond the thunderdome – pigshit and LNG
The pigshit produces methane which keeps Bartertowns lights going and vehicles fuelled in Mad Max. That huge tapestry of pigs is the films true moment to be remembered as this is innovation at its purest. Forget wind turbines and solar panels. In the future, we will get our fuel from hog-poo.

Diesel v/ LNG in European trucking – is EURO 6 leveling the field?
Those going for LNG as a fuel were always on the exotic side…

Cheap oil is over – what that means for LNG
Cheap oil is gone, expensive oil comes in. But that changes the architecture of the energy planet more than most would like to think.

LNG or emulsion fuels – whats it gonna be
It's a thorny question. And not one with a clear-cut answer possible.…

A letter from Obama
About 2 months ago I had written an open letter to president Obama. Here is his response. Right below it I explain why I think that LNG as a fuel is not just a blimp or a bridge technology as some like to call it. Its an energy earthquake and it will ring in a new paradigm shift.

Going nuclear – LNG’s natural friend
Nuke and LNG could not be more different. Nuclear power is the king of cheap baseload. Once built - it makes little sense to switch a nuclear power plant off just because of changes in the demand picture. LNG is the king of flexibility. It can be switched on and off very rapidly. And as said, as a liquid it stays nicely in a vehicles tank waiting to be regasified on demand and combusted in order to produce forward motion (or any other thing you do with internal combustion engines).

Another option for Central Asian gas
Central Asians are the strange region out of the Natural Gas world. They have lots of it. They would like to export it. But that's very hard. In the meantime, something much more worthwhile could be done with it.

LNG – killer app for diesel
LNG is the fuel of this century. It's clean, its feedstock is…