Tag Archive for: LNG Business Development

We see the LNG supply – but where is the demand?
Those who have seen the first installment of the famous "Hellboy"…

Dealing with Russia – what makes sense for European gas
It is hard to ignore Russia in today’s newscast and even those…

We are the Borg – resistance is futile
Many would be buyers are not very nimble when it comes to secure volumes of LNG. No surprise here, as many are behaving like the BORG from Star Trek. We are the BORG - resistance is futile. But is that really a recipe for success?

LNG from the US – between drivel and miracle drug
Does anyone still remember the US LNG import adventure? Seems to be a long way off. Today, everyone talks about the US becoming a huge LNG exporter. Asia of course looks like a big nice ice cream on a hot summer day to a distressed LNG terminal operator. But there is also big competition on this premium LNG buying region.

Give to get – a winning way in LNG
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. We all know the quote from Einstein. But that's what happens in LNG all the time. Here is an alternative proposal.