Tag Archive for: WUWT

A Green And Pleasant Land

Aehmmn .. yes, but -- this is not data that has been approved…

Greenland’s ‘Record Temperature’ denied – the data was wrong

So much for the "Greenland will melt" scare. But wait, this false…

Is Global Warming an Existential Threat? Probably Not, But Still a Serious Issue.

In all history of mankind, or even of life on Earth, the lifeform…

Apocalyptic Sea-Level Rise—Just a Thing of the Past?

Looks like if the predictions from almost 50 years ago would…

Germany Considers a 19% Meat Tax to Combat Global Warming

Let's see how much Germans are willing to bear. I just imagine…

Fake news: an open letter to the Editor of the Washington Post

Christopher Moncktons writings (and the contained eloquence)…

Zeeland removing wind turbines after several issues

I know that all the renewable advocates will jump up and find…

Greenland Endures

Thats pretty revealing. Look at figures 2 and 3 - see something.…

Shockingly thick first year ice between Barents Sea and the North Pole in mid-July

No, this cant be. Al Gore told us personally that all Arctic…

Democracy is the Enemy of Climate Action

In 1989, the Iron Curtain fell and with it the communist tyranny…

Climate Deadlines are Politically Dangerous

Those deadlines always remind me of some apocalyptic cults that…

Modern societies require minerals, and mining

Not being able to access the land is a biggie. But there is another…

“New Solar + Battery Price Crushes Fossil Fuels, Buries Nuclear” Until You Do the Math

I am not an electricity man so I could never have done this myself,…

BOOM! Scott Adams uses Dilbert to Diss the ‘Climate Crisis’ Again

That's a good one. When I was a boy, our local innkeeper had…

Record High Temperatures in France: 3 Facts the Media Don’t Tell You

The hottest recorded day for the last 200 years. How have temperatures…

UN Warns “Climate Apartheid” by 2030, though $100 Billion per Year would Help

The whole things reminds me of the selling of indulgences by…

Media Attacks Should Be a Signal to Trump: Focus on Flawed Climate Science

Attacks by Climate Alarmists have really become rabid over the…

Why Politicians Who Don’t Understand the Science of Global Warming Don’t Need to Act.

Politicians are just blowing smoke in our eyes while they knowingly…

Global Man-made CO2 emissions 1965 – 2018

According to the Paris agreements, the developed world is expected…

Grassroots Fury at DNC Refusal to Allow a Climate Debate

This is hypocrisy at its finest. The DNC always encourages anyone…

UK Proposal: 75% Wage Cut to Combat Climate Change

Things always go through a curve. The renewable and climate change…

PG&E wins court case allowing it to renegotiate $34 billion in renewable energy contracts

I know I have beaten this horse to death and it's almost a shame…

Study: 100% renewables doesn’t equal zero-carbon energy

And it's here where the rubber meets the street. Those yearly…

The Holocene Sea Level Highstand

I had countless discussions on Climate Change and in each and…

The moral case for honest and competent climate science

Not only does this climate scare deny the poorest of this planet…

Labor anger over Green New Deal greets 2020 contenders in California

The Green New Deal is the best campaign weapon Trump has for…

Economists Have Been “Useful Idiots” for the Green Socialists

Economists are world champions in clothing everything in gobbledygook…

Glacier National Park Quietly Removes Its ‘Gone by 2020’ Signs

Another one in the climate swindling bin. Why does nobody call…

Middle Miocene Volcanism, Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change

"Neither assumptions about the present, nor model-predictions…

The $1000 Student Climate Challenge Award

That's a great challenge and I would love to see it transformed…

Democrats’ Curious Disdain for Nuclear Power

I know I have said it many times in the past but states such…

Socialism Is Bad for the Environment

I sure have said this many times but I grew up 5km away from…

Eurosceptics, greens and liberals make major gains in EU elections

OK, the elections are over, the votes are in, candidates have…

Despite renewables mandate more than 80% of California energy needs met using fossil fuels

82%? I just saw Arnold Schwarzenegger on Austrian TV claiming…

Environmentalism: Evidence Suggests it Was Always and Only About Achieving World Government

This whole romantic socialism thing is a scourge of rich, saturated…

Are We Experiencing a Climate Change Emergency?

We have a saying in German: "Wenn die Katze aus dem Haus ist,…

Greenpeace Co-Founder Tells Congress To Ignore UN’s Latest Extinction Warning

Once upon a time, I worked as the Head of Business Development…

Good news: here’s why we won’t run out of minerals (including oil)

The world goes from easy to use resources to harder to use resources…

Alberta Introduces Carbon Tax Repeal Bill

Everywhere on earth people are sick of this madness. And we see…

Aussie Election Lesson: Climate Activism is a Game for Lazy Rich Elitists

Its a mantra I have been drumming for a long time now. This whole…

#AOC recants: ‘…world ending in 12 years due to climate change’ – it was “a joke”

Alexandria, your supporters took you at your word. They glue…

Climate data shows no recent warming in Antarctica, instead a slight cooling

One more. Not only are sea levels not rising, the temperature…

The Trouble With Carbon Taxes: Lessons For Asian Policymakers

What politicians will try to do is foisting those carbon taxes…

Climate Politics Abroad Are Turning Decidedly Skeptical

This is just the beginning. People start to realize that they…

Swedish Power Shortages Because of Renewable Energy

Let them freeze - let them pay sky-high prices and still freeze.…

Iran Sanctions To Trigger $120/bbl Oil! Or Not.

Predictions - how many big names have already had their faces…

NPR Notices Climate Action China are Building a Lot of Coal Plants

Climate Alarmists - you are some real badasses I was told. You…