The Methanist

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Time covered: July 22nd to August 4th 2019.

This Newsletter covers two weeks instead of one. Simple reason - I had an emergency and needed quick surgery which threw all my plans up in the air. I thought of hitting the publish button last Tuesday but found that my heart was not in the writing so I decided to give it one more week.

I beg all my readers for forgiveness.

Now, without any further ado ...


The road to hell is paved with discarded business models

Any LNG seller that looked at the North American gas market 15 years ago would have seen himself confronted with an image of the biggest payday ever. North American gas production was going down, the market needed gas like a breath of fresh air, there were so many LNG import terminal project proposals up and down both coasts of the continent that the coastlines were blotted out on most maps and prices were so high that there were talks of the new El Dorado.


Please visit The Methanist for more Price indications.


Below are the titles of the News-Items I have given top-level Social Media comments from last week and the week before. If you would like to read the comment, please click on the title.

On the comment page, there will also be a link towards the original articles as well as the appertaining Linkedin Thread to see the entire discussion.

Week 32

Week 31


We need LNG as a fuel in order to clean the skies without breaking the bank. Methane-fueled vehicles could have an edge but they are pushed to the sidelines by lesser technologies. LNG Europe is a non-profit, an advocate, a lobbyist & an information center.
The Methanist
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