The Methanist

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Time covered: August 5th to August 11th 2019.


Is it smart for the US to export LNG 

The US is slated to be one of the biggest LNG exporters in a few years time. It might even eclipse the throne of the biggest. That's not necessarily a good thing for the US as there are better options on the table. 


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Below are the titles of the News-Items I have given top-level Social Media comments from last week. If you would like to read the comment, please click on the title.

On the comment page, there will also be a link towards the original articles as well as the appertaining Linkedin Thread to see the entire discussion.

Week 33


We need LNG as a fuel in order to clean the skies without breaking the bank. Methane-fueled vehicles could have an edge but they are pushed to the sidelines by lesser technologies. LNG Europe is a non-profit, an advocate, a lobbyist & an information center.
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