The Methanist

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Time covered: November 11th to November 17th, 2019.


LNG - The nature of the beast

LNG is all the rage. It has gone through monumental shifts and transformations. But its fundamental nature has not gone away. That's easily forgotten by those out for a quick deal. To their own detriment.


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Below are the titles of the News-Items I have given top-level Social Media comments from last week. If you would like to read the comment and access the original article behind it, please click on the title.

If its the discussion on Linkedin you are after, just look for the link after the content card. 

Week 47

We need LNG as a fuel in order to clean the skies without breaking the bank. Methane-fueled vehicles could have an edge but they are pushed to the sidelines by lesser technologies. LNG Europe is a non-profit, an advocate, a lobbyist & an information center.
The Methanist
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